? what is so hard

Started by heather_tyler_2014, May 29, 2008, 07:56:10 PM

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Devyn, the difference lies in the fact that you coped courageously when you had to. Being older, we have all of lifes' experience to help; its' when young people suck it up and become men and women that I am truly impressed. You could have taken the easy way out, and nobody would have been the wiser. Congratulations young woman! God Bless you!


Thank you sixdogs...I never once complained, nor did I want anyone to feel sorry for me. I had gotten my self into that "situation" (somewhat), and I was going to pay the consequence. I am strongly against abortion, altough it was always in the back of my head. I was not about to use it as a form of birth control.


Quote from: Devyn-Leann on May 30, 2008, 03:22:58 PM
Becoming pregnant in high school......... I had teachers who thought I would never go anywhere. I was a statistic. Some looked for me to fail, 

When my daughter became pregnant at 17  she was told the same thing by teachers and other people but she became determined to prove them all wrong. She took an accelerated program at high school and turned in all the work on a friday in November 1997 went into labor on sunday and gave birth to her preemie (who came with some major health problems) on tuesday. When Jess came home from the hospital at 3 months old she enrolled into college and got a part time job she graduated with her Associates degree when he was 4 years old and now works as a legal secretary. Jess is now a reasonably healthy 10 year old with a mild form of Cerebral palsy and in March of this year his Mom and Dad (finally) got married. I am extremly proud of my daughter who like you decided that she was not going to let herself become a statistic


Quote from: MarineMom on May 31, 2008, 07:27:05 AM
Quote from: Devyn-Leann on May 30, 2008, 03:22:58 PM
Becoming pregnant in high school......... I had teachers who thought I would never go anywhere. I was a statistic. Some looked for me to fail, 

When my daughter became pregnant at 17  she was told the same thing by teachers and other people but she became determined to prove them all wrong. She took an accelerated program at high school and turned in all the work on a friday in November 1997 went into labor on sunday and gave birth to her preemie (who came with some major health problems) on tuesday. When Jess came home from the hospital at 3 months old she enrolled into college and got a part time job she graduated with her Associates degree when he was 4 years old and now works as a legal secretary. Jess is now a reasonably healthy 10 year old with a mild form of Cerebral palsy and in March of this year his Mom and Dad (finally) got married. I am extremly proud of my daughter who like you decided that she was not going to let herself become a statistic

Wow!! That is a wonderful story! I believe not every teen mother should be a statistic. There are some of us who are completely responsible! We raise our own children and do not pawn them off on our parents, or others. It's girls (or women) like that who disgust me. I do not think I was ready to be a parent, but I rose to the occasion and not once put my child on someone else. It was very difficult juggling school work, house work, and taking care of a baby. I had also been in my relationship more than a year when I had my son, his father was not some "random" guy. Okay, I'm on a soapbox now so I'll stop.

But marinemom, I highly commend your daughter. What a courageous woman!


Quote from: Devyn-Leann on May 31, 2008, 12:17:53 PM
What a courageous woman!

And so are you ---it is young women like you and my daughter and the many others like you who show the world that making a mistake (not really the word I want but can't think of a better one)  is not a recipe for disaster and life on welfare but can be turned into a learning and growing experience with some great rewards (and one of the best is when that little one comes up with a dandelion picked just for you and says I love you mommy,)  unfortunately you are not the ones who make the headlines but you are great examples for the ones who come behind you and can look to you and say if Devyn and Angie can do it then so can I.


I have been fortunate so far and haven't had to deal with too much that has been overly traumatic.
Mama nd daddy and my sister are all still here with me.. My family is healthy and happy. My grandchildren are healthy happy and awesome.  My health is good.
I am blessed 1,000 times over. :)

When my wonderful Grandma Workman crossed over and went home.. I was sad.. but also I knew that she was having the time of her life on the other side.
How can you selfishly want to keep someone here when they have decided it is time for their time on earth to be done. I felt sorry for my mom and those of us who were left here .. but I "feel" her quite a lot and mama has had some "visits' from her letting her know that she is still checking in with us. That is so cool..and just because she isn't her in the body.. she is DEFINITELY alive and well on the other side...so until I can see her again .. I talk to her about every day about "things". I know she can pop in and out and that she listens to me.  She is and was a huge part of my heart...and I do miss getting to hug her.


What I found to be hard for me was turning loose of my boys and allowing them to become men. This of course started happening when they became 15 and up.. and when Danny left for college I went into a huge midlife crisis...and really hung onto Derek.
( poor kid  :D ) Then when Derek left and went to work for Raytheon and lived with Danny in Wichita, I really was sad. Happy ..but "empty nest sad"..  I absolutely love being a mother, so I wanted to kinda keep them with me forever.. (  ::) ::) *They of course didn't want that   ;D ;D LOL)
Now I know that I am weird where my kids are concerned , but Danny and Derek were ( and still are) extremely close to me...and to their dad.
We all have a 'family bond' that is a little different than most.  Living in the same town.. we all love each other..  but we  really and truly LIKE each other too. And doing just about everything together as a family..spending most all weekends together, getting together to play cards and go out to eat etc makes for a lot of family togetherness. Some family's couldn't do it, but we seem to manage quite well. And the daughter in laws are just fine with it and have blended in and are more like my daughters than my daughter in laws.
Some would say that I never really turned loose and in a way I didn't.. but being that close, I really have to make sure I don't interfere or poke my nose in when I shouldn't. Sometimes I succeed and ........... :-\ sometimes I don't, and believe me..they let me know about it when I don't. *yikes* :o.

But I think that was the most traumatic.. was finally having them gone from the house.

PS~~~ I'm over it now though.........
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Man when I meant what is so hard... I didn't think people would be kinda berring out their sole or so......No but im glad everybody can admit to WHAT IS SO HARD and not be scared to admit it so thanks for blogging out (sorta lol)
Sword with a double edged blade...it'll cut you either way.

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