Good way to start a New Year!

Started by Bonnie M., January 07, 2008, 01:34:58 PM

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Bonnie M.

If you can't just click on "Train of Life" and have it open up, then copy and paste into Google.  It's just kind of a cute thing, and the music is great!  Come along for the ride!

Train Of Life   (Whoops, I don't think this is right!)


Diane Amberg

Hi, Bonnie, glad to see you didn't blow away.


Thanks for sharing Bonnie! That was great!

Bonnie M.

We were very fortunate this time, we had a wonderful 3" rain that came soft and easy, and hardly any wind.  Further north of us they had the winds and rains, and so much snow.  We are very thankful for the snow, as that's a lot of our water supply later on in the year.  Did you watch the Chargers Football game yesterday?  If you did, you could see the rain as it was coming down.  I think it rained some during the first and last quarters of the game.  Since you're not allowed to take umbrellas in to the stadium, the people were pretty well dressed in their plastic rain gear.  The stadium was full of loyal fans, and we enjoyed sitting in our comfortable, warm, dry living room, watching the game and the fans!


Judy Harder

Bonnie that was a great video.
Thanks........and I plan on sharing it.

Would you believe I am almost footballed out.. seems every night
there is another game on........I am starting to get into the basketball
games........soon I will over dose on them.
But, hopefully not till March Madness is over.

Glad you stayed dry. I saw onthe evening news where Springfield and the like
were in the first storm warning of spring.
Does that mean winter is 'OVER'??????? I hope I hope....well at least we are
one day closer to spring.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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