Upola and Buxton Citizens Dissatisfied with ATS&F Service

Started by W. Gray, September 07, 2010, 12:10:11 PM

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W. Gray

No. 709.—Filed March 2, 1908.


E. D. Mikesell vs. A. T. & S. F. Rly. Co.

E. D. Mikesell filed a petition signed by citizens of Buxton and Upola, Kan., asking the Board to require the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company to run at least one passenger-train each way per day on its line between the towns of Chanute, Kan., and Moline, Kan., and to maintain telegraph service at the town of Buxton. To this complaint the respondent company answered as follows:

"I am returning herewith the enclosures of your letter of the 2d ult. in the matter of complaint of Mr. J. S. Seimears and others of Upola, requesting passenger-train service each way daily between Chanute and Moline, through Upola. I presume it is understood that we are now operating a passenger-train each way, daily except Sunday, between Chanute and Fredonia. We have freight-train service only between Fredonia and Longton, the freight-train being operated to and from Chaunte. Of course, Longton, being located at the junction of the Chanute-Longton branch to the main line, is well served in the matter of passenger service. We have not recently discontinued operating passenger-train between Fredonia and Longton; in fact, have had freight service only for a long period of time, and this is all that the returns warrant.

Our total ticket sales at Buxton station for the last six months of 1907 amounted to only $148.93. We do not have an agent at Upola, but for the first sixty days of the present year the cash-fare collections on the freight-trains operating between Fredonia and Longton amounted to only $4.31. Assuming the ticket sales at Buxton were confined to Fredonia and Longton and the intermediate point, we have earnings per mile equivalent to only 2.2 cents, and of course all of the tickets were not confined to that immediate territory. In the matter of telegraph earnings at Buxton, where the petitioners have asked that an operator be reinstalled, our records show that for the six months prior to the discontinuing of this telegraph office earnings were only $19.24, or an average of $3.20 per month. [the $4.31 came partially from citizens in Upola who flagged a freight at the Upola junction and rode in the caboose at the regular fare]

"I am quite sure that the honorable Railroad Commission will readily acknowledge the correctness of our position that passenger-train service between Fredonia and Longton and a telegraph operator at Buxton is not warranted, based on the showings made."

Copy of such answer was forwarded to complainant, with the following communication:

"Enclosed herewith find copy of communication received by the Board from Mr. J. E. Hurley, general manager of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company, answering to complaint filed by you in re additional passenger service, Chanute to Moline, and establishment of a telegraph operator at Buxton. It seems from this answer that all passenger-train service which was accorded the citizens along this line previous to the present disturbed financial conditions is now being afforded them. In view of these present conditions the Board would not feel warranted in ordering the establishment of additional service at a time when all of the railroads operating in Kansas are finding it necessary to indulge in considerable retrenchment on account of decrease in passenger and freight traffic.

"As to the matter of telegraph service at Buxton: You will kindly note the allegation of the respondent that the amount of telegraph business offered the company at that station was $3.20 per month. You will please understand that any order of the Board in re the establishment of this service must be based upon a showing of a sufficient amount of business to warrant the granting of the relief desired, and that the issuance of an order not based upon such a showing simply involves the state in useless and expensive litigation.

"If you feel that you can make a showing of sufficient amount of business to warrant the Board in ordering the reestablishment of this telegraph service, and will file a specific reply to this answer, the Board will set the case for hearing."

June 1, no reply to such answer having been received, the case was closed.

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

Diane Amberg

Not much different from today is it? Not enough potential business, no service.

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