Prison Break

Started by Wilma, October 30, 2007, 08:02:25 AM

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Perhaps this shouldn't be discussed here but I would like to know what others think about it.

Yesterday two hardened criminals escaped from the El Dorado Correctional Facility, with the alleged help of a female ex-employee.  The prisoners cut through 2 fences.  My first thought was why did it take so long for Security to respond when the alarms sounded, as they did, when the first wire cut was made. 

This might be the answer.  First daughter heard on a newscast interview that not all the towers are manned, that they depend on surveillance cameras and perimeter patrols.  Wouldn't human eyes be able to spot problems before cameras see them?  Cameras and patrols can be timed.  Humans in high in the sky towers, cannot.  Cameras do not stop and look closer at suspicious actions as a human can.  Cameras are not armed and trained to shoot straight.

Another question I have is, why does a female employee fall for one of these guys?  Isn't she trained to know that these men are manipulative creatures that will do anything?  Isn't that why they are in there in the first place?  Or are the females just gullible, fall for anything girls?   

Janet Harrington

Think about this.  Maybe she had been threatened with someone doing something to her kids.  Maybe she thought she was protecting them.  This Ford guy has escaped before from a county jail.  What is so strange about this is that they got out of a segregation exercise yard to go to the perimeter fence to cut through two sets of fences.  Now how strange is that.  And why wasn't the perimeter car noticing some activity.  They have perimeter car that drives all around that prison all the time.  My personal opinion is that she was not the only one to be involved in this.  Also, the Wichita paper says the prison officials are saying that she snuck in the wire cutters for them to use.  There is no way that she could do that because everyone who enters that prison goes through a metal detector.  She could not have gotten those wire cutters inside.  Again, I think she was not the only one involved.  I think they need to look further then what they are doing.  They are so quick to point fingers to keep their little prison unsullied.  I think people would be surprised what goes on there.

And in case you didn't know.  Their training on inmate relationships sucks big time.


I just heard on the Oklahoma City news that the two prisoners and female companion who escaped from the El Dorado prison have been captured in New Mexico.  It had been  thought that they were in the western part of Oklahoma, so it has created much interest here. 


Clues left in Augusta, Sayre Oklahoma, and then captured in New Mexico.  Good thing; you can figure out where the next stop would have been... lost forever in Mexico!

I'm curious to know the woman's reasoning for doing what she did (especially w/ 2 small children).  I hate to say this, but interviews with her family didn't make her sound like a smart, confident woman... more like someone that could easily be influenced by anyone looking to take advantage of her.

Didn't the prison just have a big news spot last week about another woman guard sneaking in contraband to prisoners?


I have it from a former employee that contraband is quite common. 

Bonnie M.

The article about the prisoners being captured in New Mexico was in our local paper this morning.  (The North County Times.)

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