Bridge Collapse

Started by kdfrawg, August 01, 2007, 07:23:22 PM

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For those of you that like to keep up with current events, there has been a horrible bridge collapse in Minneapolis. Several people are confirmed dead already. It is really a devastating situation. CNN is carrying it live.

Janet Harrington

Got it turned on.  Well, FOX news, not CNN.  Thanks.

Diane Amberg


We watch FOX news all the time and we have had it on since the beginning.
it is horrible..
It is live and I am sure they will keep it going all during the night.
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Bonnie M.

We were watching Fox News, also, and watched it from the beginning of their "Breaking news."  When you see/hear "Breaking news," it always scares you!   What a terrible tragedy.   


We used to live in Minnesota (Sauk Rapids / St. Cloud) and for the last year we were there I worked in the Cities - we traveled that bridge many times.

What is so horrific is that such a large section of the bridge collapsed.

Replacing the bridge will take time and make traveling in, out and through the Cities a mess for several years.

Sad, sad, sad.


The news is not getting any better. The death toll is up to 7 confirmed. They can't even count the injuries yet. And I keep hearing from eyewitnesses that traffic was stop and go, traveling at an average of ten miles per hour or so. If they are correct, and if you look at how much of the exposed parts of the bridge have very few cars on them, that means that there are a LOT of cars in the water. I hope I am wrong, but this may turn into a huge tragedy. It saddens me to see how quickly things can go from normal to disaster, and how many people that can affect.


And the Mississippi River is NOT a place you want to be in.
There are more undercurrents in that old river than we could ever imagine.
Even if you could get out of a car ( that is more than likely being pulled in and around and under) I doubt that even a sane healthy strong swimmer could battle the under tows that you would have to do , to get to to the top and stay there long enough to get to safety.

It is just awful!  :( :'(
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