Elk Falls Bridge, January 31, 1991

Started by Ole Granny, June 21, 2007, 09:41:16 AM

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Ole Granny

 Elk Country Paper, January 31, 1991     

"Elk Falls Bridge To Be Nominated As Historic Site"

  "The Elk Falls Bridge is going to be nominated by the Kansas State Historical Society for selection to the National Register, according to Barry McGuire, coordinator of the Friends of Elk Falls Association."

  'McGuire said that the Kansas State Historical Society had informed him of this decision by letter."

  "McGuire further outlines characteristics of the bridge which merits its consideration for National Register selection."

  "The bridge was constructed by the George E. King Bridge Company of Des Moines, Iowa, which was awarded the contract by the Elk County Commissioners on Nov. 15, 1892, as a result of its low bid.  This contract stipulated a completion date of July 1, 1893, with a construction cost of $2,000," McGuire said."

  "Known as a "Pratt Truss Bridge,' this design was patented in 1844 by Thomas and Caleb Pratt.  In this design diagonals were placed in tension and vertical members in compression with the exception of the hip verticals. "It is reported that the bridge may be unique for its type since its expansion joints are roller rather than wheels," McGuire said."

  "Although the bridge has been closed to vehicles, it has been open to pedestrian traffic for several years."
  "The beauty of the site enhances the preservation value of the bridge since it crosses high over the scenic Elk River gorge and also provides a tremendous view of the waterfall for which the city of Elk Falls was named."

  "A historic nineteenth century gristmill was located here.  A full color photograph of the falls appears in the Kansas Attraction Guide published by the (State) Department of Tourism," McGuire said."

  "McGuire added that both the falls and brdige are becoming increasingly popular tourist attractions which had a dramatic rise of visitors in 1990."

  "This trend is expected to continue as promotional efforts for other Elk Falls attractions proceed.  The bridge is one of only five bridges listed in the index of the new book, "Kansas Weeked Guide", which is fast becoming a popular best seller throughout the state," McGuire said."

  "Nomination of the bridge to the National Register is a high honor and if approved, the Friends of Elk Falls Association hopes to raise funds to acquire replicas of the ornate name and date plates which were originally at each end of the bridge. "Natives of Elk County feel a special affinity for this venerable bridge since it was part of the lives of their parents and grandparents." McGuire said.
"Newcomers to the area are quick to adopt it as their own.  The first-time visitor is apt to exclaim , "I had no idea this beautiful place existed."

  "McGuire added that John Collins, brother of Rebeka Eck of Elk Falls, who is a machinist in Colorado has volunteered to contribute enough brass to make the replica plates."

  "The state publication, Kansas Preservation, notes that, "It is of value to preserve a cross section of the bridge types built in the state both for the benefit of future researchers but also to maintain that link with the past for ouselves."
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend


Speaking of which..................
I will have a short slide show of Elk Falls bridge in a few days.
( I have the film footage and the pictures...buuuuutttt.... I haven't got it done yet.
Too busy posting nonsense and having fun.. lol  ;)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Some time in the next few days, I'll do a GenuineKansas page on the Elk Falls Bridge. It's an interesting structure. I haven't done enough research yet to do a good page, although there is a lot of great stuff in the article that Ole Granny posted.


Ole Granny

Independence Reporter by Trish Hollenbeck  No date

"Elk Falls' unique century-old bridge receives nomination for inclusion in historical registry"

  "Queen Victoria ruled England and it was a time of great change, the eve of a new century."

  "Grover Cleveland had just been inaugurated as the 24th president of the United States and the Cherokee Strip was opened in Indian Territory."

  "It was 1893."

  "The Old West was beginning to die, with civilization taking over the Great Plains, and with it, towns, roads and bridges."

  "One such structure is the Ellk Falls Bridge, which has been nominated by the Kansas State Historical Society to the National Register."

  "If accepted to the National Register, the bridge would receive a special plaque."

  "The bridge was constructed by the George E. King Bridge Company of Des Moines, Iowa, which was awarded the contract by the Elk County Commissioners on November 18, 1892 because it was low bid."

  "The contract stipulated a completion date of July 1, 1893, with a construction cost of $2,000."

  "This bridge will soon be 100 years old."

  "Structurally,  the bridge has been in good condition," says Barry McGuire, coordinator of the Friends of Elk Falls Association."

  "We are now endeavoring to replace some of the floor boards which are rotting."

  "Elk Falls Bridge is known as a "Pratt Truss Bridge," a design patented in 1844 by thomas and Caleb Pratt."

  "In this type of design, diagonals were placed in tension and vertical members in compression, with the exception of the hip verticals."

  "McGuire says the beauty of the site enhances the preservation value of the bridge, since it crosses high over the scenic Elk River Gorge and also provides what he describes as a "tremendous" view of the waterfall for which the city was named."

  "A full-color photograph of the falls appears in the Kansas Attraction Guide published by the Department of Tourism."

  "Both the falls and the bridge are becoming increasingly popular tourist attractions, McGuire says and they had a dramatic rise in visitors for 1990."

  "McGuire says Elk Falls is a "ghost town," compared with the way it was in the late 1800s, "but there are some pretty active ghosts," he added, refering to the town citizens' progressive attitude towards making the past work to their advantage."

  "The bridge recognition, McGuire says, is just another way of putting the town on the map."

  "He says the efforts of the people of Elk Falls, once a bustling town with banks, feed stores, drug stores and much mercantile activity, have helped promote the tourism in the area, which features other attractions, such as a pottery factory, a pioneer homestead, and thge home where Prudence Crandall, a rather noteworthly pioneer woman and teacher from Connecticut, lived during the last few years of her life."

  "Elk Falls Bridge is one of only five bridges listed in the index of the new book, Kansas Weekend Guide."

  "Nomination of the bridge to the National Register is a high honor and, if approved, The Friends of Elk Falls Association hopes to raise fund to acquire replicas of the ornate name and date plates which were orignally at the each end of the bridge, McGuire says."

Almost the same as the first article but some differences.--Ole Granny
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend


Many thanks, Ole Granny.

Howard and Elk County comprise one large helpful place. That cannot be said of many locales, but it is certainly true here.

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