Anyone tired of mud yet?

Started by Sarah, May 02, 2007, 11:43:24 AM

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The sun is out! The sun is out!  8)



Quote from: Wilma on May 02, 2007, 03:22:18 PM
Yes, I, too, am tired of the rain.  I have plants I want to set out but it is too wet to handle the earth.  By the time it gets dry enough, it will be dry the rest of the summer.  And I have been wanting to take a drive out through the old country side,(out your way, Sarah) just to see how it looks, but I don't want to be on those roads while they are wet.  Wonder why it didn't bother me when I was young.

Cause when we're young we're invincible and know everything.   ::)  

The sun finally peeked out.  I'm glad about that!!  But we're supposed to have scattered storms and showers all the way through next Wednesday.  We're supposed to take our hogs to the sale this weekend, but if all the rain keeps up we'll be lucky to get the trailer back through the mud and pigs aren't too awfully cooperative on a leash!!  LOL



We are supposed to have our the kids' PE Day Friday at school.  Don't know how this will be possible, unless they're made into mud events.  Seems like you can't plan to be outside for very long at a time without expecting rain.

As for my vegetable and flower gardens--I am with you, Wilma.  I have not been able to put a thing in the ground and I panic that it will get late in the season and I will run out of time before I have other obligations.  I don't even have all my raking and burning done yet.

I appreciate the rain---just wish we could do our own personal ordering of it.  But God knows best!


Farmers and ranchers are notoriously fickle about the weather.  Its always too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry, too windy, not windy enough, etc.  I believe my father, Mahlon (Stub) Durbin, summed it up best, in typical fickle fashion with his statement of a few years ago:

"Since I got back to the farm (after WWII), there's only been one day of perfect weather . . . And I was in the hospital that day!


Somewhere in a previous post I told you about the mud prints that Janet leaves on my carpet?  Let me tell you about the mud on my carpet now.  There is a glob of mud in the kitchen, a trail to the north window, more by the telephone and several globs in the living room.  Who put them there?  I did.  Somewhere between the car and the front door one of my wheels picked up some mud and I didn't notice it until after I had opened the window, answered the telephone, issued some orders about the trailer house and Janet had left.  So I can honestly say that I am tired of the mud.  The kitchen I can pick up with the dust pan; the carpet will have to wait until it is dry, then vacuum.  Oh, for a few days of dry windy weather and no rain.

Dee Gee

I remember the year we lived on Turkey Road, we were on top of a little hill to the west of Upper Paw Paw in 1951, it was so wet and muddy we left car set up by the road and used a team of horses and a wagon to get back and forth on the quarter mile lane to the house. So this little wet spell isn't bothering me yet, but let go on for another couple weeks then I believe I will tired of it.
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself


Sounds like you gals need to train your family to remove their shoes befoe they come in your house.      Don't know what you do about your pets .  In California they call a utility room a mud  room.   Maybe thats where you can have your kids shoe removal and a place for pets to be kept untiltheydry off.   Now about your husbands,I don't know if your husbands are trainable!   Some are not!


Janet has been telling me that her big dog has been coming in and waiting to be dried off before he goes through the house.  I don't think you can train a husband to do that.  My problem is that I can't keep anything on the front porch for them to wipe their feet.  This good old Kansas wind just blows it away.

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