Welcome, frawin.

Started by Wilma, April 08, 2007, 02:56:57 PM

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Look, everybody, we have another new member. 

Welcome, frawin.  And thanks for posting already.  Am looking forward to more posts from you.


How exciting!  :)  A new member and a poster!  :) :)

Glad you've joined us - Happy Easter.

Dee Gee

Welcome to the forum,  speak up and let hear your thoughts and what ever else you want to comment on.
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself

Janet Harrington

We have a new member.  Welcome the new member.  We have a new member.  Welcome to the new member.


   A warm welcome to you! 


Hi there frawin..
Don't mind Ta Ta.. She always gets excited over things.. and repeats herself.. over and over and over..
Just pretend it is the first time you are hearing her tell you something..
( It makes her happy if you act interested..)


**In fact... may it be with all of us...** 
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


A belated hello and welcome to you, frawin. Glad you are here!

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