Janet Harrington's 11th anniversary

Started by emptynest, April 01, 2007, 07:32:14 PM

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May I let the forum know that Janet Harrington's 11th anniversary is today!  Just want to let her know once again---Happy Anniversary to both Jim and Janet.  May you have many more and here's to hoping you had a great day!


I have to admit that I forgot until earlier this evening and I gave Janet my greetings privately by e-mail as I didn't know if she wanted it posted.


WELL!  Happy Anniversary and Congratulations to you both!
You married on April Fool's Day?  I know, it's none of my business...  I bet you did it so that if you wanted to act silly, you'd have a good excuse.  Huh???
Love you guys!  Hope you had a GREAT day too!


The cat's out of the bag now - Happy Anniversary, Janet and Jim.

Hope your day was wonderful!


 :-[ Sorry...
I forgot.................................. :-\

I guess I didn't ralize that you had been married THAT long...
??? I mean... ahhhh....you both look so happy~~~~~~~~~~~ ( ;) hee hee hee)

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington

I am so happy about being married 11 years that I even choked up at church telling about it.  I couldn't even say Jim's name, I was so choked up.  I think what I am amazed at is that I have not killed him in the last 11 years.


Congratulations to Janet and Jim! The years do fly by quickly, don't they? Oh, and you may not have killed him, but I'll bet you've been tempted at least once or twice! Hee hee!


Have you folks heard the news story recently (I don't know all the particulars) where this gal makes jello with antifreeze and serves it to her husband?  He dies, and I "think" she marries again, (or else they're just living together, I don't remember which) and once again she does the same thing to the second guy, and he dies.  I don't know if she was doing it to collect life insurance or what, but I heard it over the news not too long ago.

Don said he knew which side of his bread was buttered, and he wasn't going to make me mad, or get on my wrong side. :laugh: :laugh:

Janet Harrington

I had not heard about that one Lois.  Good for Don, being a smart man and all, to stay on your good side!   ;D ;D ;D

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