A Fugitive Tracked Down

Started by genealogynut, February 28, 2007, 02:25:45 PM

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Howard Courant
July 12, 1917

Chas R. Funk Apprehended In California

The noted Chas R. Funk who deserted his wife last October at Moline, Kansas, and ran off with another man's wife and taking with him something over $2500.00 of money belonging to his employer C. H. Smith of Independence, has been apprehended in California.

County Attorney Sulivan received a telegram this morning from Sheriff Blizard at Salinas, California, that he had Funk under arrest.  The sheriff received a tip last week that Funk was near Monterry, California, and was confirmed in his information when he wired back that Funk was there.  The County Attorney issued warrant last Friday afternoon charging Funk with embezzlement and also prepared application for requisition to Govenor Capper and Sheriff Blizard started to Topeka Saturday morning where he secured requisition from Gov. Capper on the government of California. The work was done quietly and it was generally supposed that Sheriff Blizard had gone to Colorado for his health.  The county attorney's office and sheriff's office were compelled to work quietly on the matter for they thought they had Funk some two months ago in the west and he slipped. There are a possible two or three charges that can be brought against Funk when he is returned.  He has been going under the name of J. J. Sterling in the west and at the same business as he was in when he left Moline--that of selling Overland automobiles. This is good work on the part of the offices of this county and all will be glad to see Funk apprehended.

D. W. Long, father of Mrs. Carr with whom Funk eloped at the time of his leaving this county, accompanied Sheriff Blizard and it is presumed that he is bringing Mrs. Carr back with him.

Howard Courant
July 19, 1917

C. R. Funk, who was arrested in California last week by Sheriff Blizard, arrived in Howard with that officer Saturday night and is in the county jail.  He was arraigned before Esquire Longley Monday and waived his preliminary. The justice fixed the bail at $5,000 which Funk has not given up to this time.  The charge is embezzlement.

Mrs. Carr, who accompanied Funk when he absconded, returned at the same time.  Her father went with Sheriff Blizard to bring her home.

Funk was captured at Watsonville, California, and we clip the following from an account of his arrest, from the Evening Pajaronian of that city:

Funk, alias Sterling came to Salinas from Watsonville.  He and the woman he claimed as wife were very prominent in the apple city.  Last night when several of their friends were notified of the affair they maintained that there was "some mistake."

Sterling came to Watsonville about six months ago from San Francisco and secured employment at once in J. H. Covell's Overland agency, as a salesman.  He appeared to be a genial, honest and straight-forward man and having a pleasing personality he soon made many friends in the community.   Possessing a splendid voice he became a prominent member in musical circles and was soon a leader as a vocalist here.  He seemed to be deeply devoted to the woman he claimed was his wife and she appeared deeply attached to him, the two being almost inseparable.  A short time ago he associated O.L. Beilby with him in the ownership of the Overland agency at Salinas.  Beilby being owner and Sterling the manager.  The news of his arrest was a great shock to many friends in this city.

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