Fake Populism . . .

Started by redcliffsw, July 26, 2018, 04:25:46 AM

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Henry Clay died in 1850 but the corrupt Hamilton/Clay/Lincoln "American System," which was really the rotten British system that the American colonists fought an eight-year war to secede from, was finally cemented into place during the War to Prevent Southern Independence.  As Rothbard wrote in For a New Liberty (p. 10):

"The Civil War, in addition to its unprecedented bloodshed and devastation, was used by the triumphal and virtually one-party Republican regime to drive through its statist, formerly Whig, program: national government power, protectionist tariff, subsidies to big business, inflationary paper money, resumed control of the federal government over banking, large-scale internal improvements, high excise taxes, and, during the war, conscription and an income tax.  Furthermore, the states came to lose their precious right of secession and other states' powers as opposed to federal government powers."

In light of this, perhaps President Trump should take down that giant portrait of Andrew Jackson that hangs in the oval office and replace it with one of Hamilton, Clay, or better yet – King George III.

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