Rules Is Rules, As The Claim Has Been Made

Started by Wake-up!, February 20, 2018, 09:54:53 AM

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Rules Is Rules – UK Govt Forces 6-Year-Old To Suffer 30 Seizures A Day, No Weed For You
February 20, 2108, from Natural Health News

Wake-up!'s skeptical viewpoint is in these [ ]

Great Britain is proving just how great it is, and it is using a six-year-old-boy to do it. Proving that the Western world is a symbol of oppression, not freedom, the UK Home Office has rejected a plea from Alfie Dingley's family and even MPs to allow Alfie access to cannabis to treat a rare form of childhood epilepsy that can cause up to 30 seizures a day and numerous hospital visits. Of course, one could ask the obvious question: Why does anyone have to plea to use a plant in a country that never shuts up about how free it is? [Hell-o America!]

For the Dingleys, there simply isn't 200 years worth of waiting while the dying British Empire is dragged, kicking and screaming into the 21st century, or any century for that matter. That is why the Dingleys did the only thing they could do for their child – leave the UK and travel to the Netherlands where they could access medical cannabis.

The results aren't that surprising – Alfie's seizures were dramatically reduced even at times going more than three weeks without having a seizure. Unfortunately for them, without medical insurance, the treatments were too expensive so they were forced to return to the UK where harmless plants result in jail. [Why, oh why should treatment with a harmless plant be 'too' expensive anywhere? Growing it and extracting the 'goodies' is not rocket science.]

Still, the Home Office is denying the family access to marijuana because "rules is rules" and "only government and the medical industry can make decisions on health." [Oh, I keep forgetting, in free countries only the government is allowed to make decisions on your health. You are not.]

But since marijuana is overwhelmingly harmless, non-addictive, beneficial and most reasonable people understand it to be just another plant, the Home Office had to come up with an excuse to cover up the connections between the drug war, pharmaceutical industry and police state. What it came up with? "Marijuana hasn't been adequately tested."

And, "We recognize that people with chronic pain and debilitating illnesses are looking to alleviate their symptoms," the Home Office said in a statement, according to The Guardian. "However, it is important that medicines are thoroughly tested to ensure they meet rigorous standards before being placed on the market, so that doctors and patients are assured of their efficacy, quality and safety." [What complete malarky. Cannabis should be unregulated and grown in garages, closets, gardens, and greenhouses just like tomatoes. It should be freely available to anyone who wants it. Not tested? Wanna bet? I tested it thoroughly and frequently from 1967 until 1998. What about you? It is time for the government BS to end!]

The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate

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