Commies, Nazis, Dems, and GOP . . .

Started by redcliffsw, July 01, 2017, 05:54:30 AM

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Today's democracies make the old totalitarian regimes seem rather quaint by comparison. I suspect that you could light a cigarette in a restaurant in Berlin in 1936 without even thinking about it. The tyrants of that era hadn't even gotten around to the fine details that obsess today's democracies, which "protect" us from evils whose existence our ancestors didn't even recognize — "homophobia," for example.

In the 1940s, Friedrich Hayek intuited the great change, which he called "the road to serfdom." He was attacked for suggesting that the Nazi, Fascist, Socialist, Communist, and Democratic regimes were all in agreement on the basic premise that the State's power must keep expanding. Today, when a "conservative" Republican president assumes that same premise, who can doubt that Hayek was right?
-Joe Sobran

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