Gun Control: Hawglegs and Hawgwash . . .

Started by redcliffsw, December 05, 2016, 06:51:10 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 13, 2017, 09:56:21 AM
I don't need to prove anything. At 72 I'm just glad to still be alive. HA! I've had a very long and totally fascinating career.

I believe most people our age can say the very same thing.
Our parents or people their age, Survived the great depression,
some did it while raising a large or very large Family.

Where as we had the luxury of a lot of jobs.
So you surely are trying to prove something.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 13, 2017, 09:56:21 AM
As for your insistence that I'm ''bragging'', leave it to you to put down any attempt at social conversation. If people don't want to slug it out over politics, you have nothing to say. That is a shame . Now I've got some work to do for the Planning Commission so I'll go get to it. I'm not a quitter, but you are beyond hope.

No dearie,  just trying to steer you down the right path while being civil!
Every thread you post to, you twist the conversation to your lifestyle, you drift off the subject of the thread, every time.

Can't you share that personal information that is off topic in the " social conversation" section called the Coffee Shop?

This thread is about quote, "Re: Gun Control: Hawglegs and Hawgwash" not about you, your husbands health, not about your health, not my health. It's not about EMT'S. Firefighting or ambulances.

Yes, I have played along so as to humor you !

This is in the Political section of the forum, not the Coffee Shop section or the Obituaries section nor the Spell Checker section.

Not the "Social Conversation" section!

Your activity is that of the Liberals that fail to understand protocol, cry me a river and tell me how unfair I am. Go ahead do it, tell me how unfair it is to suggest the Coffee Shop for social conversation concerning your personal life! Oh wait a minute you have a thread over there, don't you?  It's called "East Coast Happenings" isn't it?

Oh sorry, there is no "Spell Checker" section.

Do you comprehend ?

Is the teacher learning? Or is she too old to learn?


Diane Amberg

I was hoping by injecting something lighter in this section it might temp some people back. It failed. I'm Gone.
You two can chat between yourselves....a whole thread for basically two people. That should tell you something. So where are all the rah, rah folks posting and agreeing with your every word and encouraging you on? I think even they got bored. So it's a thread of two? Same topic ad nauseaum.
People who are for gun control have said so. People who are against it have said so. How many more times does it have to be aired?  I've said personally many times, gun control doesn't work and can't ever because of the interpretation of our Constitution. How many more times would I have to say it?
OK, It's all yours. I'd think it's a bit of a waste of time for most reasonable people. Good luck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 14, 2017, 08:54:46 AM
I was hoping by injecting something lighter in this section it might temp some people back. It failed. I'm Gone.
You two can chat between yourselves....a whole thread for basically two people. That should tell you something. So where are all the rah, rah folks posting and agreeing with your every word and encouraging you on? I think even they got bored. So it's a thread of two? Same topic ad nauseaum.
People who are for gun control have said so. People who are against it have said so. How many more times does it have to be aired?  I've said personally many times, gun control doesn't work and can't ever because of the interpretation of our Constitution. How many more times would I have to say it?
OK, It's all yours. I'd think it's a bit of a waste of time for most reasonable people. Good luck.

It's not our fault you are incapable of staying on subject.

And as far a thread for two people you could not possibly be wronger.

But there is a thread for one person only, your thread
You called it "East Coast Happenings",15176.0.html
Perhaps it would have been more appropriate to name it Diane Amberg's Life.

Ha, Ha ! Bye-bye have a nice life!

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