Reason to Worry

Started by Wake-up!, November 13, 2016, 01:00:26 PM

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Scroll down below a bunch of links to read about Trump's possible 'team'.

If these stuffed-shirt elitists are appointed, the election will have changed (dys)functional government very little.
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate

Diane Amberg

Sounds like what I said 'way back. With no experience, he'll jump right into the nest with the same old people...or get tired of it all and quit. He's hyper as it is.That's why he was shipped off to military school,to try to get him calmed down and in order. His family couldn't handle him...and now his family will be mostly his transisiton team? What could go wrong there? ;D ;D ;D ;D


Isn't that amazing. He's going ti quit Diane says.
Well that in my books, because his VP is there for a reason.
Personally, I have never liked Trump, but he was better than anything the democrats could offer.

Lying, thieving Killary would have continued down the same destructive path of Obama and worse.
Killary's pay to play would have been much more productive for her as president. And George Soro's and his evil would probably would have been allowed even more power for all of his financial support.

No thanks !

We still have some hope of a better government  under Trump and we had no hope under Killary.

I believe thus list of Trump's cabinent is subject to change and will change between now and January 20th.

In fact, I believe it has already changed by one. I believe Chris Christie has already been removed.

We still have plenty of time for improvement in that list..

The man has not taken office and even after taking office this cabinet can possibly change.

I don't even want to think about it ! But politics at the top is a whole lot like politics at the bottom.
On the local levels we keep the same educated idiots that belong to the good old boys club, or as knwn by older folks known as the "old guard". And little changes.

However, Trump doesn't or did not presemt as part of that mold.
Any way, I want to be optimistic and wait and see what really happens.

All amateur psychology aside democrats ought to joi the majority of Americans praying for the best
under a Trump Administration. Because  you are stuck with it.

Democrat's do pray don't they ?


With Trump, we got a reprieve, so we ought to make the best of it.

(Local level politicians are about like the rest of 'em.  They're very socialistic).

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