Sanitation Notice 1910

Started by ddurbin, February 04, 2007, 09:27:46 AM

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from the Moline newspaper  1910


Notice to all citizens.  The board of health has made an order to clean up all out houses and vaults, and to haul out manure.  I have made arrangements with Mr William Earl to do this work.  Any one in need of his services will either see Mr Earl or the City Marshal, who will give the matter their attention.  All parties are hereby warned to not bury any of the refuse from the closets in the city limits, as there is a heavy penalty for so doing, and any person or persons caught in the act will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.  This work must be done on or before Apr. 1st or the work will be done and charged up to the property.            W. A. Elstun, Mayor

Janet Harrington

Now this is interesting.  Not only was the city marshal there to try and keep people safe, he also had poop duty.  At least taking names of people who wanted Mr. William Earl to do the work.  But think about it, in those days, who did people see the most.  The city marshal.

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