The Pope’s “Guardian of Liberty” . . .

Started by redcliffsw, September 25, 2015, 05:08:42 AM

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. . . as mentioned in his speech to Congress today is the man who, in his first inaugural address, pledged his support for a constitutional amendment that would have enshrined slavery explicitly in the Constitution (the Corwin Amendment).  The man who made dozens of speeches in favor of deporting all the black people out of America and worked on plans to accomplish it to his dying day.  The man who threatened "invasion" and "bloodshed" in his first inaugural address in any state that refused to collect the newly-doubled federal tariff tax.  The man who waged total war for four years on his own countrymen, causing as many as 850,000 deaths according to the latest research, with about double that number maimed for life.  The man who illegally suspended Habeas Corpus and mass arrested tens of thousands of political critics, including local elected officials, newspapers editors and a congressman.  The man who shut down hundreds of opposition newspapers and imprisoned their editors and owners.  The man who rewarded generals like Grant, Sherman and Sheridan for mass murdering Southern citizens and plundering tens millions of dollars of private property.  The man who said nothing while entire regiments of soldiers gang raped Southern women.  The lifelong crony capitalist who spent his entire career shilling for the big business interests of the North who sought to plunder their fellow citizens with protectionist tariffs, corporate welfare, and a national bank run by politicians to fund it all.  The man who showered the railroad corporations who got him elected with millions of dollars worth of taxpayer-funded subsidies.  The man who destroyed the voluntary union of the American founding fathers and along with it the system of federalism that was its hallmark and replaced it with a Soviet-style, centralized, bureaucratic, compulsory union held together at gunpoint.  The man who obsessively experimented with bigger and bigger weapons of mass destruction to be used on his fellow American citizens, including women and children.   The atheist who peppered his speeches with religious rhetoric to fool the public he looked down on as ignorant fools.

Pope Francis made no mention of Jesus Christ in his speech to Congress; he reserved his praise for the real "god" of the American state, "Father" Abraham Lincoln.


Proelkco, you are exactly right, he is a complete Ass. He is the one that got Obuma elected by splitting the Republican vote. He is totally out of touch with  Rightwing Americans.


Proelkco and Frawin, you are both right about this idiot.


Looks like we have three in a row here except not much being said for us to know where you all stand with your liberal leanings.  You all must like the Pope.  I'll find another one for you all to read about the Pope and his politics - I mean his government religion.  The Pope is not  an American patriot - he's a New World Order type.

Frawin, you socialist Republicans won the elections last November.  Is the Republican socialist agenda better than the Obama socialist agenda?  Are you trying to say that Republcians are conservative or are you trying to tell us that you are conservative?  I can't see you being a conservative.  In the past you have indicated your fascist support of ethanol and wind farms.  Now that you say that you have returned to the Forum - tell us your political opinions.



Quote from: redcliffsw on September 26, 2015, 06:23:43 AM
Looks like we have three in a row here except not much being said for us to know where you all stand with your liberal leanings.  You all must like the Pope.  I'll find another one for you all to read about the Pope and his politics - I mean his government religion.  The Pope is not  an American patriot - he's a New World Order type.

Frawin, you socialist Republicans won the elections last November.  Is the Republican socialist agenda better than the Obama socialist agenda?  Are you trying to say that Republcians are conservative or are you trying to tell us that you are conservative?  I can't see you being a conservative.  In the past you have indicated your fascist support of ethanol and wind farms.  Now that you say that you have returned to the Forum - tell us your political opinions.

For around 400 years this nation has been protected from the catholic church by the ocean that separated us.  We just lost our nation to Catholicism as the pope held the first mass by any pope on our soil. This is a declaration of claiming this land as the catholic church's land.  Unfortunately this pope has allied with muslims and we are now faced with the conjoined group that has wreaked destruction on the world for over 1400 years. 

And...Our liberal leaders both damorat, and republican have allowed this to take place.  This nation has fallen and its only a matter of time before it is totally destroyed
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Obama and the Pope are not Christian.

This pope is a dangerous socialist disguised as a "Christian".

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