STRONG, Harry - b. October 3, 1890 - d. December 28, 1910

Started by Janet Harrington, November 12, 2006, 03:29:19 PM

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Janet Harrington

Harry Strong, grandson of Thomas Stout, died Wednesday morning after an illness of two or three weeks.  Funeral took place Thursday at M. E. church, conducted by Rev. J. A. Pratt, pastor.  There was a large attendance of friends of the family.  Harry was born near Elk Falls, October 3, 1890.  He professed faith in Christ at ten years of age and became a member of the Elk Falls M. E. church five years ago.  He spoke of his hope for the better life to his friends in his illness.  At the funeral the M. E. choir sang "Asleep in Jesus," "Abide with Me," and "The Great Physican."  The pastor used as a text Heb. 11:16.  Six young men bore the casket as pall bearers.


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