Illegal Immigrants

Started by Ross, August 12, 2014, 05:18:43 PM

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Shouldn't we be kind to President Obama's Children
And Democrat Vote getters?
This article doesn't even mention the Middle East Extremist
that are crossing the border!
We should perhaps all vot Democrat for recieving
protection from Homeland Security that costs us a fortune.

Texas Sheriff:
Gangs of Armed Illegals
Marching Through South Texas
August 12, 2014

Thousands of illegals continue to pour into America, hoping to get awarded amnesty to stay, work, and apply for welfare benefits, all at taxpayer expense.

While the economic strain on communities who are being forced to provide care for illegals is immense, the biggest concern for local law enforcement is the increase in violent crime, as immigrants belonging to gangs and drug cartels cross the border in alarming numbers.

Border Patrol agents have been attacked on numerous occasions by illegals, and Texas ranchers have had their homes burglarized.

Thousands of illegals continue to pour into America, hoping to get awarded amnesty to stay, work, and apply for welfare benefits, all at taxpayer expense.

While the economic strain on communities who are being forced to provide care for illegals is immense, the biggest concern for local law enforcement is the increase in violent crime, as immigrants belonging to gangs and drug cartels cross the border in alarming numbers.

Border Patrol agents have been attacked on numerous occasions by illegals, and Texas ranchers have had their homes burglarized.

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