Khan Academy's Challenge to State-Certified Educators . . .

Started by redcliffsw, July 12, 2014, 06:37:34 AM

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One Man Is Bringing Down Teachers Unions and Public Schools

He's the greatest teacher in the world, says Gary North.


Good article.

He talks of misguided and limited educators.

This is the classic example of how universities work. People who teach in MBA programs have never owned businesses. People who teach psychology have never worked as full-time psychologists. Professors get themselves licensed by their own group, few of whom have had any experience in the free market, where profit and loss determine who survives and who fails. Then, having created a state-mandated barrier to entry, they earn above-market wages paid by taxpayers. This starts at the university level, and then it moves down to the very lowest levels of the educational system.

It is all a farce. It is summarized by the slogan we have all heard: "He who can, does. He who can't, teaches. He who can't teach, teaches teachers."

His site is living testimony to the fact that 100+ years of rival educational theories, all insisting that you have to have professional training to be a good teacher, were fake from the start.

It sounds like the educational system simply built walls arround itself to limit it's questionable technics, In my opinion.


Sure, the education system has been a part of the State and Federal governments since the Reconstruction era after the Civil War.   A Federal requirement for any Southern state to re-enter the Union was for that State to create a State School Board - State Board of Education.  Soon afterwards, the northern states adopted their own State Boards.  The northern Yankees had just defeated America and they changed us to a new "nation" - nationalism - strong central government.

Which do you respect more - the Federal government or individual liberty?  Shouldn't have to think about that very long.


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