The Immorality of Public Education . . . .

Started by redcliffsw, February 06, 2014, 09:09:42 AM

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Modern teachers needed only to satisfy the government, their new source of income.
-Wendy McElroy

"Government educators are becoming less and less servants of those from whom revenues are extracted or from whom their pupil raw material is conscripted," Hoiles wrote. "More and more they are becoming vested interests, concerned with their own employment and tenure. More and more they are allying themselves as a pressure group with other bureaucratic interests. More and more they are using their strategic position to turn the minds of the young towards statism and interventionism."

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Diane Amberg

What a bunch of inconsistent baloney. I wish all workers were as loyal and dedicated to their underpaid over worked, in debt before ya ever get the job career as teachers are supposed to be. And never ending criticism? Mostly cheap shots at that. Then there is the world competition I hear about endlessly. All those countries whose kids are supposedly getting better grades than our kids do? Ya ever ask yourself who writes the curriculum their teachers use? The Government, that's who! Those terrible socialists and communists and  other "ists" and bureaucrats, and the other democracies and similar as well. The Gov't produces the curriculum! Not the teachers, not the parents, the Gov't. They decide what, how and how much those kids will learn and how long the school day will be.  Some are 10 hours a week longer than ours. And not everyone gets the full education either. Some countries have wash out tests every few years, so they would eventually be comparing all our kids to only the top of theirs. They don't waste their money on dolts, retarded kids and trouble makers in their regular schools.They wash them out. Some may get to go to trade schools, many are just cut loose...tough. That's what Comparative Education Courses are all about. Would you have liked to have to take Baccalaureate exams or sit before a review board and take oral exams too? Those results may decide for you what careers you might consider...not totally your choice. Our educational systems can always improve, but it certainly does produce good results for kids, and parents who get behind their kids, and make school an important part of their lives.


First let me say I am not in agreement with everything in this article. I seldom am in total agreement with anything, it's just my nature.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 09, 2014, 02:42:08 PM
What a bunch of inconsistent baloney.

We are each entitled to our opinions, right?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 09, 2014, 02:42:08 PM
I wish all workers were as loyal and dedicated to their underpaid over worked, in debt before ya ever get the job career as teachers are supposed to be.

Where is the loyalty?  Loyalty to what? I have known several poor teachers, including one in my family by marriage. It would be nice if every employee was so loyal and every employer was too. That would be a perfect world, wouldn't it?

Everyone that wants a decent occupation pays their dues by going in debt or earning money to paying as they go to get the education required, so what's your point? They have a choice, right?

Underpaid, really? Teachers here at West Elk are paid $50,000 a year not counting overtime and with maybe 12 kids in their class room. That exceeds the average pay in Elk County by bunches and bunches. And the cost of living here is much lower than in the city.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 09, 2014, 02:42:08 PM
And never ending criticism? Mostly cheap shots at that.

That is because as in any occupation there are bad employees.
Lots of occupations receive criticism, so what?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 09, 2014, 02:42:08 PM
Then there is the world competition I hear about endlessly. All those countries whose kids are supposedly getting better grades than our kids do? Ya ever ask yourself who writes the curriculum their teachers use? The Government, that's who! Those terrible socialists and communists and  other "ists" and bureaucrats, and the other democracies and similar as well. The Gov't produces the curriculum! Not the teachers, not the parents, the Gov't.

They decide what, how and how much those kids will learn and how long the school day will be.  Some are 10 hours a week longer than ours. And not everyone gets the full education either. Some countries have wash out tests every few years, so they would eventually be comparing all our kids to only the top of theirs. They don't waste their money on dolts, retarded kids and trouble makers in their regular schools. They wash them out. Some may get to go to trade schools, many are just cut loose...tough. That's what Comparative Education Courses are all about. Would you have liked to have to take Baccalaureate exams or sit before a review board and take oral exams too? Those results may decide for you what careers you might consider...not totally your choice. Our educational systems can always improve, but it certainly does produce good results for kids, and parents who get behind their kids, and make school an important part of their lives.
We too have government running our schools!
We have elected officials on our local School Boards that govern or are supposed to.
We have elected officials on our State School Boards that govern or are supposed to.

And now we may be stuck with Common Core which is governed by Federal Gov't.
All of these are verifiable by googling the particular School District or State School Board.

However, I can not verify anything you say about all the Foreign schools and the way you say they dispose of students, like so much rubbish. Would you please provide some internet links, I am really interested in reading your source of information. Thanks.

Critical Thinking you know. Something our local school board has discussed teaching in our school.

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