Nothing to see here American Comrade

Started by Patriot, February 08, 2014, 10:58:09 AM

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TSA Agents Interrogate Jewish Author For Reading Conservative Newspaper
Federal goons assume role of political thought police

Paul Joseph Watson
February 7, 2014

Award winning Jewish author Phyllis Chesler was questioned and had her bag searched at New York's JFK Airport as a result of a TSA agent's suspicions over the fact that she was reading a conservative newspaper.

The incident happened on Wednesday afternoon after Chesler's flight to Florida was delayed due to the recent ice storms.

As soon as Chesler pulled out a copy of The Jewish Press, a popular English language weekly with a conservative political bent, a TSA agent eyed her with suspicion, approached the author and asked to see the newspaper.

After the TSA agent scrutinized the cover of the newspaper and showed it to another security official, Chesler was ordered to open her luggage, which the two agents then proceeded to rifle through.

During the search, Chesler was interrogated by the two TSA workers. As her luggage was being searched, Chesler noticed that a Muslim woman wearing a niqab that covered her entire face apart from her eyes was allowed through security with no questions asked and with no one even bothering to verify her identity.

Chesler was left alone after the two agents found nothing more deadly than a bottle of water.

Full story:
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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