Explosion in Nevada

Started by rosewolf, March 19, 2013, 07:23:50 AM

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I thought that this story was interesting as it is so vague as to what is really happening. Read the story and you tell me. Here is the link. 


Sounds fishy to me.


I'm sorry... fishy, how?  I have driven through this area numerous times on state road 95 on my way to Fallon and Carson City,  where my wife has family in NV.  As you pass thru Hawthorne, you'll notice many, many storage ammo bunkers on the Base, two to three thousand of them.  It is primarily a storage base for chemical and heavy-duty ammo tho' some ammo is produced there.  I visited the facility back in 2008 and and saw both Army and Marine units there for desert training.  If i'm not mistaken, I would say that the whole town of Hawthorne works at the base.  It is mainly operated by some military and a independent contractor on a govenment contract.  This is NOT the first a accident at this base.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Warph thank you for the information. I just thought that it was strange that there are so many ammo bunkers there.


     Did you know the town of Parsons had/has an ammunition factory?


Quote from: rosewolf on March 20, 2013, 06:56:37 AM
Warph thank you for the information. I just thought that it was strange that there are so many ammo bunkers there.

LOL... I agree.  The first time I saw the bunkers I thought it strange that some of them were so close to a well traveled highway.

Quote from: Bullwinkle on March 20, 2013, 08:14:42 AM
     Did you know the town of Parsons had/has an ammunition factory?

I did not know this, Bull... My father was born and raised in Parsons and the last time I was there for any length of time was back in the late sixty's visiting family.  I looked the Kansas Army Ammunition Plant up on Google Earth and found this, plus a map of the place:

"An explosion in the late 1980s killed two workers, a man and a woman, and closed the plant for more than two years. When work resumed in 1990, just in time for the Persian Gulf War, part of the building was closed. To prevent sympathetic detonation in case of an accident, work areas were located several hundred yards apart, connected by ramshackle, unpainted, wasp-infested wooden ramps. Inspectors, supervisors and parts managers rode old-fashioned bicycles with wire handlebar baskets between areas. They used thumb-operated bicycle bells to alert other bikers and "pedestrians" before crossing an intersection or entering an adjoining hallway. As production of the cluster bombs continued -- with 202 bombs tucked inside each one -- rumors spread that the workers killed by a single exploding bomblet was haunting the closed area of the plant. Only two of the employees who survived the explosion returned to the plant, but they each began to have nightmares about their former co-worker; one was being chased through the dark, wooden ramps by the woman, whose face was destroyed in the blast by flying shrapnel. The other survivor was plagued by visions of a male co-worker being vaporized from the waist up by the explosion, his legs, shielded by the thick steel work table, beginning to turn and run without its upper body. In the dreams, they kept running. Finally, one night two inspectors and a parts manager decided to explore the closed ramp. There were no lights in the area, and the workers hadn't thought to bring a flashlight. Still, they crept ahead into the dark. About 100 feet or so up the hall, the air cooled noticeably. The men walked a few feet further until, from around a bend ahead of them, they heard it: a metallic ringing. A bicycle bell rang twice in the pitch black, abandoned hall. Brrrng, brrrng! Then, after a pause, twice more: Brrrng, brrrng! The men, already nervous because of the dark and cold, fled back down the ramp to the light. After catching their breath, they agreed they had heard a bicycle bell, precisely the type bell used by the company's supervisors, inspectors, etc. for transportation in the labyrinthine plant. They agreed that the sound had come from ahead of them, not behind, and they agreed it wasn't likely anyone could have been in the ramp ahead of them with a bicycle."

I guess the place is haunted...LOL.  A more informative piece on the installation was this:

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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