Judd for Senator

Started by Warph, March 19, 2013, 02:25:15 AM

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No Experience Necessary if You're a Democrat: Liberal Actress Ashley Judd Thinking about Running for US Congress

When Obama-supporting liberal actress Ashley Judd, with no experience in any capacity in elected office whatsoever, who spent 47 days in a Texas rehabilitation facility in 2006, announces she may run for the United States Senate, no derisive comments have spewed from the liberal media.

Not so with Sarah Palin, whom they've barbecued for more than four years since her stint as John McCain's VP running mate. With her beautiful family, her successful track record as the mayor of Wasilla and as the governor of Alaska, Palin would have been (SHOULD have been) hailed as a friggin' goddess by the liberal media — if she wasn't a conservative or a Republican.

There would have been soft-as-a-bunny interviews with no "gotcha" questions, lunches with Oprah or Ellen or Katie, no mocking of her unwed pregnant teen daughter (the media's respectful silence would have been much like that given to VP Biden's daughter Ashley's wild partying past and 2002 pot arrest and her purported cocaine-snorting video in 2009). How the media treats liberals vs. how it treats conservatives (and their respective family members) is appalling.

When Gaffemeister "Crazy Uncle Joe" Biden screws up for the umpteenth time, the liberal media chuckles, gives him a pass and a cookie.

I have nothing personal against Judd. Would she do a good job in Congress? No idea — doubtful that she could do much worse than most of the liberal and RINO chuckleheads already there. She thinks ObamaCare is fabulous, so that's a major strike against her. Her net worth is a reported $22 million, which puts her square-center in the league of other obscenely wealthy Democrats who got rich thanks to free market principles, but believe everyone else should be mandated to distribute their wealth with the less fortunate. So, another strike.

there are several nude photos of troubled actress, leftwing activist, and Democrat Senate wanna-be Ashley Judd. They're from her 1996 HBO biopic "Norma Jean & Marilyn," which recreate the nude Marilyn Monroe poses that became internationally famous when published in the first issue of Playboy magazine.

Coincidentally, troubled actress Lindsey Lohan has also done a "nude Marilyn" photo shoot, back in 2008, although Lohan's "nude Marilyn" imitation was of Monroe's last known photo shoot.

This is the least R-rated of the bunch of Judd's nude Monroe pics:

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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