PLEASE READ THIS: There Once Was A Place Called America

Started by Warph, February 26, 2013, 01:34:56 AM

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Not to worry buddy---there are some of us that do read your posts  and understand what's going on. I, for one, had to take a little time off from the forum  before I let my alligator mouth overload my canary ass. When day in and day out I read posts written by a person  that suffers from megalomania and sits on their pompous ass and spews sewage from their pie hole ---let's just say, my give a shit factor is running on low and I don't want to say something that might hurt sensitive feeling. I don't give a rats ass how many times you cry--but I'm a repub---or Demo---or Independent--- even Libertartian---when you ooze progressive it shows and I can't tell a dimes worth of difference between a progressive or communist ---did I ever tell you I have a strong dislike for commies , Mr. Warph? ;)


Indoctrination works, can't you tell? Just look at the Republicans - they're disconnected from the founding fathers.
Many Republicans are liberal or neocons.

Yes Red--as are many of the Libertarians, Independents  and Democrats !!


     Sorry I didn't respond here, Warph , but it was this thread , and others, that fueled my comment in one of Patriots threads this morning. You aptly sent the "first responder" an invitation to read this.


DHS built domestic surveillance tech into Predator drones

Homeland Security's specifications say drones must be able to detect whether a civilian is armed.  Also specified: "signals interception" and "direction finding" for electronic surveillance.

So...  documents show DHS built domestic surveillance into drones that can track cell phones, ID if Citizens are armed.  Hummm.... U.S. citizens can be tracked and spied on but thousands of illegals are released to run around unchecked and unsupervised. 

Got it.  ...Warph

Homeland Security required that this Predator drone, built by General Atomics, be capable of detecting whether a standing human at night is "armed or not." (Credit: U.S. Department of Homeland Security)

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has customized its Predator drones, originally built for overseas military operations, to carry out at-home surveillance tasks that have civil libertarians worried: identifying civilians carrying guns and tracking their cell phones, government documents show.

The documents provide more details about the surveillance capabilities of the department's unmanned Predator B drones, which are primarily used to patrol the United States' northern and southern borders but have been pressed into service on behalf of a growing number of law enforcement agencies including the FBI, the Secret Service, the Texas Rangers, and local police.

Homeland Security's specifications for its drones, built by San Diego-based General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, say they "shall be capable of identifying a standing human being at night as likely armed or not," meaning carrying a shotgun or rifle. They also specify "signals interception" technology that can capture communications in the frequency ranges used by mobile phones, and "direction finding" technology that can identify the locations of mobile devices or two-way radios.

Read More at:

Also, check this out... scary, huh?

The Draganflyer X4-P can carry still and video cameras or thermal imaging sensors.

Read at:

And This:

Read at:

This, Too:

Read at: Carrier-bound X-47B drone passes remote-control test

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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