Howard Roads

Started by PrehistoricRez, August 22, 2012, 01:34:34 PM

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Why is it that towns normally go from dirt to gravel to paved, But Howard it laying down gravel onto of paved roads that are still in Ok condition, if they would just cold patch them everyone in a while.  They call what they are doing Chip and Seal, but anyone of you could have watched youtube videos on how to do it, and done a better job. They are putting way to much gravel on top of not enough tar. 

All i have to say is wait until the first good snow and see what a horrible mess the streets look like.

PS: Cant wait for the city to cover up the brick on wabash with that crap.


     You have obviously not seen truly terrible roads. The city is not rolling in dough, nor do I see the wasteful spending that is going on in many other places. ::)


I hope they never cover up the bricks.  Personally, I can't see any reason to cover the bricks.  It sure wouldn't add anything to the town.

Ms Bear

I agree with Wilma,  and maybe the need to brick the rest of the streets.

Diane Amberg

Wouldn't that look nice?


     As long as a brick street was installed properly, and these obviously were, with a little ocassional maintenance they will last forever. Those Coffeyville pavers are bullet proof. Most brick streets that get paved have been disturbed by underground utility work and not properly repaired afterwards. Others are the result of making the street wider. Not going to be necessary here for a while.

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