FORD, Leslie Lloyd "Les" - b. August 10, 1940 - d. March 19, 2012

Started by patyrn, March 20, 2012, 10:13:33 AM

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Diane Amberg

Janet Harrington

Great Guns, I knew his dad was sheriff. He held that position for 13 years. I then beat his record by holding that position for 17 years. See, I knew he had a grocery store at one time. So, that tells me I am not crazy.


Diane, a cream station was where farmers could take their cream and sell it.  A test was done on it to determine the butterfat content and the proceeds were based on the butterfat %.  The proprieter also bought eggs and perhaps other things, but the cream and eggs are all that I know for sure.  The cream station could be a separate business or part of a grocery store's business.  I do remember Mother taking her eggs and cream to a grocery store and later using the proceeds to pay for her purchases.

Does anyone remember more about this?  Frank, I am sure that you have some experience with it.  My husband's step father, Lon Furrow, managed a cream station here in Howard for awhile.

Diane Amberg

Ms Bear

Cream station.  Some towns had a creamery that made and sold butter and cheese, some even made ice cream.  The farmers would set the milk cans out by the road and the creamery had a truck that picked them up.  The farmer was paid based on the fat %.  The creamery had all of the different products for sale and also distributed it to the stores. 

I remember going to the creamery with my grandfather and had ice cream, mother always bought cheese.  My brother still has one of the milk cans that my father used to send his milk in, each farmer had his brand painted on the can so they got their own cans back the next day.


I can remember taking cream to Piedmont and putting it on the train to go to a creamery.  Then we would pick up the empties and take them home to fill them again!  In fact, I, too, have a cream can that belonged to my Dad and Grand Dad.    I remember taking cream and eggs to town and then after collecting the money for them, we would buy groceries.

Jarhead, I got that info about the grocery store for Frank and it came from someone a lot older that you or I.



I started a new thread titled "Cream Stations" in the Good Old Days section for anyone that wants to continue on this topic.  It doesn't seem right to have digressed onto that topic here on Les's obituary.

Diane Amberg

Janet Harrington

Maybe we can get Ms. T to move the posts about the creamery. However; leave the grocery store stuff. LOL I think Les would be pleased that in talking about his life that we started swaying away.


I liked Les quite a bit. I had two registered Tobiano fouls that I was offered a paltry sum for. And I told the gentlemen that I would rather give them away. And that's what I did when Les asked me about them I gave them to Les, because I liked and respected him. I am truthfuly sorry to hear of his passing.

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