Which side of the fence?

Started by frawin, August 04, 2011, 07:10:46 PM

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Diane Amberg

Well, that list is hardly neutral in the way its written. In every one of these "tests" I've ever taken, I always wind up as a moderate with libertarian leanings. I think I'll stay who I am, whoever that is. ;D ;D ;D ;D


WOW Pam, we are agreeing with each other more everyday. I think I would be labeled a conservative more than anything else.


Quote from: Sarge on August 05, 2011, 07:25:36 AM
Are you serious?

Yes...I am seriously asking who this is...I stay as far away from politics as I can, overall...So am out of the loop when it comes to being able to drop names or use buzz terms.  You have to understand...Politicians have never been Education's "bestie".  As far as I am concerned...Politicians are first cousins to pit vipers.  I've never met a politician yet who understands what it takes to not only give kids an academic education but also teach them how to THINK.  Then, there's the aspect of teaching the spiritual side of the child...Something that public schools, by law, can't address but yet it's such an important part of each child.  Real educators are guiding those souls a little further toward their destinies...They are mentoring children so that they grow up to be thinking, mature, gainfully employed adults who have a conscience when it comes to how they treat other people. Oh...Sorry...I guess I got a little off-course...You'll have to excuse me...Another school year is creeping up on me...Can you tell where MY brain is at??? lol  I know there is a Jeff Davis, who is an actor, and then there was Jefferson Davis, who was the "president" of the southern collection of states that attempted to secede from the rest of the country.  I guess that must be the one you're talking about, given the context of the conversation thus far.  Have I passed the History test so far? lol  ;D  Oh...And given the previous list...I would put myself firmly as an Independent, with Republican tendencies.  

Diane Amberg

Ya passed your history test Cat, but I suspect Red just fainted since you weren't sure ,don't have an autographed photo of JD and didn't join his fan club. :angel:


Well, for Heaven's sake, bless Red's pointy little head...We sure can't have that happening, can we...Oh well.  I'm sure Red will come around eventually (even without that deep south staple, smelling salts) and we'll get a taste of "you commies" pie, yet once again... ;D


Quote from: frawin on August 05, 2011, 07:57:36 AM
WOW Pam, we are agreeing with each other more everyday. I think I would be labeled a conservative more than anything else.

It's really startin to scare me..............LOL


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 05, 2011, 08:39:08 AM
Ya passed your history test Cat, but I suspect Red just fainted since you weren't sure ,don't have an autographed photo of JD and didn't join his fan club. :angel:

You mean people don't have one?
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I am not one for labels regarding my political beliefs. Anytime I do those online tests to determine what you are it comes out in a variety of designations. Now I will post my real political beliefs and you can decide. I trust you guys more than those tests.

Death penalty. The State should never be allowed to kill its citizens. Besides unitl we can prove someone is 100% guilty; killing an innocent person trumps letting a guilty person go free.

Right to bear arms.  Second Amendment. Enough said.

Abortion. State has no right to sanction killing its citizens especially if they are unborn. Parents knew the risk when they had sex. Bring the baby to term and take care of them or adopt them out.

Government. Too big. Should be smaller. Less regulation of people and business. Most people and businesses self regulate. The few that can't ruin it for the rest of us. Unfortunately we have to protect society from those few with laws. I have to take it topic by topic.

Tax Code\IRS. Eliminate and set a flat rate, but may be open to minor short term exceptions if a super majority agrees.

Social Security\Medicare|Mecicaid.  While it needs reform the society has a duty to take care of those less fortunate and help them be a productive part of society. For most people here they havie been paying into it for all their lives, I have no problem with them collecting back when they are disabled or reach retirement.  If it can be done better by another means let's do it. Something needs to change or it will collapse under its own weight.

Marriage\Gay Marriage. State has no Constitutional right to stop or mandate to regulate marriage, except between a minor and someone else. Churches should not be required to perform a marriage against their religious beliefs.

Constitution. Stick to it closely, follow the Constitution's ways to change it. Also, the founders knew that it would need to change and set ways to do so.  To not be able to change it relegates us to a dictatorship to the founders and a piece of paper.  Too big of a topic to flesh out in this post. Ask Qestions and set specific issues and I will answer.

Drugs. Lean towards legaliztion and taxation to cover the problems. Still have questions, because the European countries that have legalized drugs are leaning away from legalization. All in all I am very undecided on what we should do with drugs. Don't like at all.  Pot. No worse than alcohal or cigarretes, should be legal. Has only a very few real medical uses.

Ask me questions on other topics and I will reply.


Breathe deep the gathering gloom,Watch lights fade from every room.Bedsitter people look back and lament,Another day's useless energy spent.Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,Lonely man cries for love and has none.New mother picks up and suckles her son,Senior citizens wish they were young.MoodyBlues

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