The Truth About Our Elk County Officials

Started by Wilma, June 13, 2011, 06:45:58 PM

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This is for the many followers of the threads in the Politics category that are painting a false picture of Elk County and it's public officials.

If you have never lived in a small community, you might not understand about pride in your heritage.  The people that serve Elk County have pride in Elk County because their fathers, grandfathers, great grandfathers, great great grandfathers and all the women that stood by their sides had pride in the Elk County that they helped settle and develop.

Most of the county commissioners that I have known personally or know about, settled in this county back before 1900.  The ancestors of two of our current commissioners actually homesteaded part of the land that the families now own.  I am telling you this to establish the background of the commissioners that serve us.

District # 1 commissioner is Douglas Ritz.  I do not know him or his family, but when I mentioned it on the forum, I was assured by people whom I trust that he is a fine man and comes from a family that is well respected.

District # 3 commissioner Kenny Liebau's family homesteaded in 1869 and the land is still owned by the family.  I do not know Kenny but I did meet his grandparents a long time ago and was impressed with their integrity.  Alberta Young, an excellent and loved teacher in the Elk County area was an aunt of Kenny's.

District # 2 commissioner Elizabeth Hendricks, or Liz, as everybody knows her.  I left her for last because she is the one that is the brunt of the unpleasantness on other threads.  Liz was a Perkins.  The Perkins' homesteaded and bought land in the west part of Elk County in 1881.  Liz is a descendant of this fine Elk County family.  I am not sure of her relationship to any of these, but one of the Perkins' was a county commissioner for many years.  Another served in the Kansas House and the Senate.  There are also
Elk County professionals and business owners in her background.  So, as you can see, she has a lot invested in Elk County.  For more about her you can go to the Coffee Shop category, "Roll Call to All Members", Reply # 322 on page 33.

Liz joined the Forum 10-31-07.  Her last post was on 09-13-10.  She started the thread "If Our Community was Given $450K".  She has also posted on "Enjoyed EK Konnected Update", started by Rudy and on "Elk Konnected, started by Tobina+1.  If you check these threads, you will find that the Elk Konnected thread was started before Liz became a member.

Also, any answers that you might be looking for can be found in these threads.  You will find that only the best interests of Elk County and surrounding area are involved.  I hope this helps you see that Elk County is a good place to be and is not the controversial volcano that some people are representing it to be.  We have no problems with our commissioners.  Our commissioners, being from families that settled Elk County have only our best interests at heart.  After all, it is their home, too, and they all intend to live here for a long, long time as did their ancestors.

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