Could Herman Cain Be the Next President Ronald Reagan?

Started by Warph, May 23, 2011, 12:08:56 AM

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Quote from: redcliffsw on May 24, 2011, 06:42:28 AM
Srkruzich, I understand what you're saying.  There was no income tax until about 1913.  Need a correction there.  Simply believe that the Federal income tax ought to be abolished.

UHm yeah i know but right now the problem is that even if we scale back to what government is constitutionally authorized to fund, it would require a tax for feds to maintain the military in the manner it is needed to be maintained.  Secondly i know you don't agree but the Government has made a contract with people by forcing them to pay into the ss system.  IT needs to be fully funded for those who are fully funded in it and the folks that are 35 and below privatized so that they own the accounts.  THat will stop the ponzi scheme.  You really cannot cut off the folks that promises have been made to for all their lives. I like anyone else that paid into it, paid into it and either we get our money back or they fund it.  One or the other.   Its simple as that.  I personally would take my money if it was offered and i would get out.  I haven't even used up a third of what i paid in.  Shoot my dad paid in for 40 years and didn't collect one dime.   THat money should go to my mom.  My mom paid in socialsecurity for 30 years and theres more money that is in the system that she isn't going to get.  IF it were privatized, he would have been able to pass it to her, and she would get it and hers.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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