Flat Tax, Fair Tax?....

Started by redcliffsw, May 19, 2011, 06:06:47 AM

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The Flat Tax Is Not Flat and the FairTax Is Not Fair

"The left-right debate in America over income-tax policy assumes the continued existence of the welfare-warfare state way of life, along with the continued existence of the income tax that funds this way of life."

We only "need" an income tax because of the federal government's insatiable desire for money. There was no permanent income tax in the United States for 125 years. Can anyone possibly say that the government didn't have enough revenue to function during that time? Before then the federal government operated successfully with the revenue it received from tariffs, fees, land sales, and excise taxes. It wasn't until the adoption of the Sixteenth Amendment in 1913 that the redistributionist road was paved for an income tax. And what benefits has the increased government revenue from the income tax given us?

The only way to really rein in government spending is by dismantling the illegitimate functions of the federal government. This means the wholesale elimination of departments, agencies, commissions, administrations, corporations, councils, boards, and bureaus with all of their programs and personnel.
-Laurence M. Vance


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