Why I prefer the Middle Latitudes to the Poles

Started by flintauqua, April 12, 2011, 09:36:22 PM

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A wide variety of things get posted on this forum that are promulgated by people, organizations, and corporations with agendas. 

A lot of content shows up on the Internet with absolutely no basis in fact, yet gets swallowed whole by the masses, without being questioned as to who is to benefit by the lie being 'proven' to be true by the posting of some psuedo-scientific proof.  To the point that actual scientific proof gets questioned as being part of some grand conspiracy.

Why question the debunkers, while not questioning the motives of those behind the notion that is being debunked?

I guess that's what makes me different than a lot of people on this forum.  I question both sides, and often find that the truth lies somewhere between the two extremes. 

And that, in my opinion, is what is wrong with this country. 

Too many people believe one extreme or the other without question; turning their brains off to anyone with a differing position, opinion, or idea; never thinking that whomever took them to the extreme did so in furtherance of an agenda.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.



Charles that is why you are a moderate. You are right and the extremes are wrong.  Both may have good points, but some times they go over the edge and that is where the moderates come in to save the day. :laugh:  The extremes left and right make noise, but they cause more problems than they fix.  I am a moderate, but I will continue to use this forum to foster the debate both left and right, because it helps me solidify my stance. Besides, I am governmentally tested as being smarter than the average bear and I am cocksure enough to argue both sides of an arguement, just to make sure all sides get flushed out.  :police:


(Sometimes the things I post I just have to post to tickle myself.)
Breathe deep the gathering gloom,Watch lights fade from every room.Bedsitter people look back and lament,Another day's useless energy spent.Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,Lonely man cries for love and has none.New mother picks up and suckles her son,Senior citizens wish they were young.MoodyBlues


sometimes people create or manipulate extremes to alter the perceived center.  But are we really talking about something with two polar opposites?  You describe the problem as a constant battle between two opposing forces.  Really, the problems exist because there are only 2 forces, and all too often they are not opposed at all on several serious issues.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

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