Just like income tax withholding... If you never get it, you never miss it

Started by Patriot, March 14, 2011, 08:24:20 AM

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The KS legislature is pursing a bill making union dues checkoffs illegal in Kansas.


Do you really think that this fight between the unions and Gov. Scott Walker in Wisconsin was about collective bargaining? If you do, you're sadly mistaken. The real issue was something called a dues check-off, not collective bargaining. What is a dues check-off? That's a system whereby your employer, in this case the government, deducts union dues from your paycheck before you actually get paid. The dues are then forwarded to the union. Unions, of course, love this because they know that sometimes people just aren't all that thrilled about paying their union dues; especially when those dues get close to $1000 a year as they do for some Wisconsin teachers.

Virtually all of the media coverage in Wisconsin has been about collective bargaining. Scott Walker wanted to take the collective bargaining rights away from government workers on all issues except basic pay. The unions, and the Democrats who supported the unions, would love for you to believe that this was the real issue. It was not. The real issue was how union dues would be collected.

Under the law before Gov. Walker signed his new bill last week, the union dues were collected by the employer -- the government. Now the workers will get to make up their own mind whether or not they want to pay the union dues. That is because they're going to have to write a check for these dues every month, every quarter, or however they pay them. What really troubles the union leaders is the fact that about 50% or more of union members have clearly indicated that they would rather not be paying union dues, and, in fact, would rather not be union members at all. Now is their chance. In these tough economic times, many of these government union members can find a lot better things to spend their money on than union dues.

Full article:  http://boortz.com/nealz_nuze/index.html

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