Letter from Dave Morris to Mat Hillis June 13, 1928

Started by Sharon Hillis, August 11, 2010, 01:48:54 PM

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Sharon Hillis

Dave Morris
2543 Myrtle Ave.
Kansas City, MO
                        June 13, 1928
Dear Friend Mat:

   Was mighty tickled to get your letter a few days ago and note that you are still in Colorado.  I wrote you two years ago at Mont Rose (Montrose, Colorado) care of Marion (Hillis) but never heard from you although the letter never came back.  I supposed that you had gone but thought would try a Christmas card this year and I was glad you got it and to hear from you.

   Now Mat when you come down this year I sure want you to come out and see me.  I live at 2217 E. 73rd St. and if you get in during working hours call me up at the office, Valentine 4570 and I'll meet you downtown.

   I think you will remember Gertie West.  We were married in 1903 and have been living in Kansas City almost continuously since except the first two years we lived part of the time in St. Paul Minn. and at Chanute Kans. But in 1908 we came back to Kansas City and have been here every since.  We have two dandy little girls.  Katherine will finish the high school this year, and Bernice is five and just started into kindergarten this year.
   Father died nearly ten years ago, and mother just last year in March.  We buried them both in the old Cresco cemetery which is being kept up in nice shape.
   We go down to Howard nearly every year but Mat it is all changed.  The old farm we used to live on has nothing on it anymore except the old shack that was on it when we first moved there.  The new house burned up by fire, the barn blew away in the cyclone, the church was also blown down and was never built up again.  Its all different over at your old place too.
   I see Lillie (Hostetler), and Roy (Hillis) and Bill once in a while but haven't seen Jim (Hillis) for years.  I heard that he was over at Independence but that was years ago.  Suppose Charlie (Hillis) and Milt (Shaw) are still out in Washington, and Ben (Hillis) also.
   I am working for an oil concern.  The Nourse Oil Co.,  have been with them since 1908, every since they started.  Make a fair living but not getting rich.  It can't be "did" when you work for a salary.
   Sure wish I had known when you were over at Excelsior Springs, would like to have seen you.  Were you at the McCleary Institute?  My wife took treatments there when they were here in Kansas City.
   Well Mat let me hear from you again and be sure to look me up the next time you are in Kansas City.

                        Your friend,

                        Dave Morris (signed)

NOTE:  Transcribed as written but italicized words are my additions.  Transcribed by Sharon Hillis August, 2010.  Letter was typed by Mr. Morris.

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