Flag Day

Started by Wilma, June 13, 2010, 09:33:45 AM

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This Flag....The symbol of the hopes of man.  This cloth of dreams for Freedom, Justice and Opportunity.  It's stars are like beacons guiding us through the shoals of adversity, it's red stripes like wounds of struggle.  The good in it cannot be had for nothing...Like any garden, it must be tended...Like any loved one, it must be held.  Hold this flag high and keep it's promise bright, for in it lies the best hope for all of us."

Copied from today's "Beetle Bailey".

Diane Amberg

Nice one, mine goes out first thing tomorrow.


Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Good.   Mine's not weatherproof, so if it's raining or forecast to rain I leave the flag in, if I won't be home to take it in. It's an old one and I'd rather it not get wet.  Usually we're the first on our street to put it out on special days and when the neighbors see ours, they put theirs out, or so they say. Sometimes I have Al hook it up across the back wall of my front porch if a special day is really stormy.


We fly our flag every day the weather permits and we are home (or at least in town) in case of bad weather.  On special days like Memorial Day, Flag Day, Fourth of July, we also line the front walk (both sides) from the house to the driveway.  We've done this for several years, both in Texas and here as well. 



Well i have worn out one flag here, the winds whipped it so bad it shredded on that last windy day, so i have folded it the best i can and am waiting to find a group that can dispose of it honorably.
I have a second one that i put up and it is a blend.  next one i buy will be a heavy cotton american made flag.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Check out any American Legion or boy scout group. I'm sure they'll take your flag for proper disposal.

Diane Amberg

Also for a really nice out door flag with the extra stitching for strength, check out Annin & Co. Have been around a very long time.  American made all the way. Perhaps a little pricey for you .Get your boys to get it for you as a gift .(Father's Day...hint, hint)

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