Presidential Poll

Started by DanCookson, September 06, 2007, 12:55:18 PM

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Who would you vote for President if the vote was to take place today?

Mitt Romney
John McCain
Rudy Giuliani
Fred Thompson
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton
John Edwards
Mike Huckabee


After watching a few of the debates and the candidates speak on the issues, I think it time for the forum to get some political discussion.  It is great to get the ideas out and shake them a bit!


are those are only choices?   ;D
Born in Texas with Kansan Blood


Sorry, I forgot to mention that write-ins are up to each individual.  I would also encourage everyone to tell us what are some of the things that are important issues to you.  For example, the war in Iraq, the economy, taxes, family values, etc......


Where is the "none of the above"?

Jo McDonald

I believe you have the option to "write in " your preference, Wilma.


Quote from: Wilma on September 06, 2007, 02:08:48 PM
Where is the "none of the above"?

It is right below the statement that says, "Be part of the solution and not the problem"

People need to inform themselves and vote.  If you don't vote, you can't complain about any issues.  This country has real problems with entitlement issues, immigration issues, economic issues, etc. 

"None of the above" is part of what got us in this mess.

Kjell H.

A few words from Fred Thompson:

Marshal Halloway


Dan, great thread. I was the first to vote and I will be there to vote at every election. Our right to vote is the most important freedom that our forefathers fought for and I encourage every person to vote. Contrary to some beliefs, every vote does count and can make a difference. When our enemies see a low voter turnout and hear people say it doesn't do any good to vote they use that as propaganda to say democracy is not working. My wife and I have voted at every election since we have been able to vote. I don't always win but I had the right to voice my opinion by voting. It makes me proud to see young people like you taking an interest in such an important part of the American way and what it stands for.
Frank Winn


I voted too!

And I will be there on voting day also.
I always feel proud when I walk into the booth, hoping that with change there IS hope.

My concerns are many.. My 2nd amendment rights as an American citizen is on top..along with the immigration issue.
The rising cost of medical and health care, and  what we are doing to our economy in dozens of ways is always an ongoing issue.
Hopefully we will see some change for the good in the coming years..

Even though maybe our choice of candidate doesn't address ALL the issues the way we like.. I say that the majority that they do...then that person will get my vote and support.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I voted and it wasn't for none of the above.  I don't think we are going to find another FDR or HST.  Come to think of it, I wasn't old enough to vote then.  Maybe I am the problem since I have voted every major election since 1952 and most of the not so major.  I think our biggest problem is the candidates.  I think their personal interests come before the good of the country even though they insist not.

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