East Coast Happenings

Started by Diane Amberg, March 22, 2013, 01:21:17 PM

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Diane Amberg

Sorry folks, I'm not feeding trolls today.I didn't read any of the last three posts nor do I plan to.They live on some other planet. No matter what the subject, it's the same old misspelled, self centered ridiculously critical blah,blah,blah. Who needs it?
Our Beau Biden is not well.His career may be over and his life may be in jeopardy.
Newark had a nice parade last Sunday. 50 groups in line.That's a little smaller than usual, but the weather wasn't the best.There was the traditional wreath laying and service in front of U D's Memorial Hall prior to the parade. Aetna turned out in force as always and the Shriners stole the show.... again! 60 photos at newarkpostonline.com.
I finally finished getting the last of the veggie garden in. Grow plants grow!
I am starting the count down for my college friends coming in on June 15. One just got engaged at 68! Her husband died two years ago and she met this great fellow at church. I can't wait to hear the details.
Our community pool down the street is having their usual "Dash and Splash" this Saturday.They jog all over the neighborhood and end by jumping in the pool to officially open it for the summer. A free weekend for everyone.
Tomorrow our firehouse is having a cookout for all our current and retired EMT's for National EMT Week. Of course the entire fire company is invited.One of our great cooks is doing chef duty. The local bakery is donating a cake and Rita's Water Ice is donating big coolers of Gelato . It's a good week to thank EMS for all they do.
So far we haven't even turned on the air conditioner...hope that cool air lasts just a little longer so I can finish my new rock garden.and not get too hot.
My "boat neighbor" brought us some great tasting Atlantic Cod. He is hoping for Black Bass next time.
Our school district is having another referendum next week.I suspect it will fail again.
Later all.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 20, 2015, 02:24:58 PM
Sorry folks, I'm not feeding trolls today.I didn't read any of the last three posts nor do I plan to.They live on some other planet. No matter what the subject, it's the same old misspelled, self centered ridiculously critical blah,blah,blah. Who needs it?

Now how can you possibly say you are not trolling, when thst is exactly what you are doing?

All that bull about mispelling, how many times have you been corrected teacher? LOL

If you haven't read the previous three posts you don't know and understand the many words of wisdom posted there.  So who is it that is from some other planet?

You are so funny, and fun.  LOL

Oh yea and Joesue says no one is posting anymore, or didn't you get the word?

You and Joesue what a pair, such great entertainment !


Diane Amberg

Ross, you are wasting your time. I didn't read your post. I'm sure there is nothing new, interesting, useful or complimentary to anyone, especially me...just more ridicule and personal criticism.
We just got back from a fun lunch in the engine bay at st.8. Lots of food and friendship, with many of the local ambulances there to jump into service if need be. Some of the local merchants were kind enough to give us things for door prizes and Al and I each won gift certificates to two of our good restaurants. That was a nice treat as we rarely ever win anything.
It's raining gently, but very chilly.Much needed moisture for my new plants and garden seeds.Hope it keeps up for a few more hours.A bit warmer would suit me just fine though. It's just barely 53 .Not too good for the beans, with more of the same for tonight and tomorrow.
From what I can see from the forecasts here, you all better roll up your pants legs and get out the chest high waders. Stay safe all.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 21, 2015, 12:45:36 PM
Ross, you are wasting your time. I didn't read your post. I'm sure there is nothing new, interesting, useful or complimentary to anyone, especially me...just more ridicule and personal criticism.

Jeeze I thought I was sort of complimentary to you on your ability at back stabbing, I responde in kind to your post. Here is part of the post I am refering to:

Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 11, 2015, 09:02:24 AM
You few who are left on the "forum'' (HA!) have indeed made it your own political gripe yard. So have at it, it's all yours. As far as why I should have a good Mother's Day myself?  Not likely. Just think about it.Jeeze!

And you did bring politics over here to the coffee shop once again of your own volition.

Wasting my time, not hardly, not much time involved but it is always a pleasure to chat with you.

Just keep calling me back and I will return at your bidding. Just talk politics in the Coffee Shop or use my name or some other reference to me and bingo-bango I'm here with pleasure.

Have a good night Diane.

Diane Amberg

Today the flags are flying here and later this morning we'll visit the grave of a dear friend who was killed in Viet Nam July 15,1968.
I hope everyone keeps in mind why we have to have such a day.We'll enjoy the nice weather and enjoy friends and family and picnics and the beach.They would want us to enjoy the freedoms they died to protect. Never forget.

Diane Amberg

We visited Dave's grave and then I took Al to Firebird's for his free vet's lunch. The place was full of old folks.Imagine that! 8)

Diane Amberg

Our local school referendum failed for the second time.The school district is trying to blame the charter schools from taking money away from the regular schools.Don't they understand the money follows the child whatever public school they go to? A child who isn't in their building doesn't require any money to be spent on him.
   Our local voters haven't forgotten what the district pulled three years ago.After the referendum finally passed, they went out and hired more administrators. Very little of the money ever reached the classrooms.If the state is able to redistrict and pull the City of Wilmington out of the mix and give it back its own school district, as it should, a kagillion $ will be saved on busses and transportation. It's a very long and complicated story that goes back to the early 70's and federally forced desegregation that Newark should not have been involved with anyway.
Of course, now they say they will lay off teachers and cut programs.They aren't suggesting they cut any non teaching staff. It's a very sad situation but the charter schools ,and there are several around here, are just perking along doing fine, all somewhat different from each other, yet meeting the needs of their students.     
  My one young friend who will graduate soon will be going into the Navy in November and has been accepted into their Pharmasist's Mate program.It's perfect for him.He has been going to the First Responder Charter School that has kids who are interested in careers in medicine and law enforcment.
Another one is military in nature and another is the Cab Calloway School for the Arts.They are public schools, but have their own specialties. Our industrial arts schools are also public schools, but have their own district.
Al finished my new rock garden for me and I have a couple more sale plants to put in.The rough winter killed a few of my new plants from last summer, so I'm going to try them one more time. Time to go fix Al's breakfast. Eggs fresh from some local hens, sausages and toast today. Enjoy the day.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 29, 2015, 06:52:31 AM
Our local school referendum failed for the second time.The school district is trying to blame the charter schools from taking money away from the regular schools.Don't they understand the money follows the child whatever public school they go to? A child who isn't in their building doesn't require any money to be spent on him.
   Our local voters haven't forgotten what the district pulled three years ago.After the referendum finally passed, they went out and hired more administrators. Very little of the money ever reached the classrooms.If the state is able to redistrict and pull the City of Wilmington out of the mix and give it back its own school district, as it should, a kagillion $ will be saved on busses and transportation. It's a very long and complicated story that goes back to the early 70's and federally forced desegregation that Newark should not have been involved with anyway.
Of course, now they say they will lay off teachers and cut programs.They aren't suggesting they cut any non teaching staff. It's a very sad situation but the charter schools ,and there are several around here, are just perking along doing fine, all somewhat different from each other, yet meeting the needs of their students.     
  My one young friend who will graduate soon will be going into the Navy in November and has been accepted into their Pharmasist's Mate program.It's perfect for him.He has been going to the First Responder Charter School that has kids who are interested in careers in medicine and law enforcment.
Another one is military in nature and another is the Cab Calloway School for the Arts.They are public schools, but have their own specialties. Our industrial arts schools are also public schools, but have their own district.

Are you actively taking your school issues to your local community, the taxpayers and voters?

If so haow are you doing that?

I wish you all the best of luck in your endeavor in getting the issues resolved, if you are attempting to.

Diane Amberg

Really hot and dry today with no chance of rain.We usually don't have to water the veggies and flowers until July, but if we don't they are doomed for sure.
UD graduation is this weekend and the under grad kids who finished their finals early have been moving out too. This week was a good week to avoid downtown. Lots of lost parents from many states are roaming around looking for parking, even though there are no no parking areas this weekend.
When the two sets of west side dorms not too far from me empty out, they will be permanently closed.One set will most likely be sold to The City of Newark ,torn down and used for rain water and flood management areas and ponds.The other set...who knows? UD wants to get away from the west side of town and build more to the south and east.
By Monday, Newark will be a sleepy little town again for a few weeks until summer school starts.Yay!.
For many years we then took over Main St. and had a big party to celebrate the closing of school.Thousands came and took over Main St. for a fun street fair until 9PM. Sadly, some out of towner rough types came in from Wilmington and out of state and ruined it all.
I'm getting set up for my friends who are coming here on June 15. Can't wait to see them all again. Back to watering everything.


Quote from: ROSS on May 29, 2015, 09:23:14 AM
Are you actively taking your school issues to your local community, the taxpayers and voters?

If so haow are you doing that?

I wish you all the best of luck in your endeavor in getting the issues resolved, if you are attempting to.

Nice response (no response) to some excellent questions about your local school issues.
I take it you aren't interested in your local politics only politics far away in Elk Couty.
Are you afraid to get involved in your local politics?

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