Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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So anyway back on subject.

Would an Elk Konnected, LLC follower or member please inform us of anything that Elk Konnected, LLC has done to improve the quality of life in Elk County?
Besides hand out lollipops?

Per their web site with Public Squares Communities, LLC they claim under their Vision Statement they want to provide!

Strong Families
What have they done to accomplish this?
What gives them any authority involving families?
How would they strengthen families?

Solid Education
Since a Member of Elk Konnected, LLC Steering Committee is also the elected official of the school board and Konnected President of the School Board perhaps he can inform us how Elk Konnected, LLC has any say on this topic.

I heard one of our school buses recently had a blow out on a front tire driving south of Howard on Highway 99 and that the front tires were worn down to the steel belts?
Is this true?
Does this help provide a Solid Education?
Has West Elk donated money to Elk Konnected, LLC ?
Was that money possibly used to pay fees to Public Squares Communities?
Doesn't your relative Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks work as a staff member for Public Squares Communities, LLC?
Do you suppose those funds that may have been donated to Elk Konnected, LLC would have been put to better use within the school district? Like fixing buses?
Do you suppose some of those funds paid to Public Squares Communities, LLC may have been used to pay the wages of the Konnected Kommissioners wages working for Public Squares Communities, LLC as a staff member there?
What are you as a Konnected School Board President doing to bring West Elk up to a Solid Education?
When does West Elk become a Blue Ribbon School?

Superior Lifestyle
How about that?
What exactly is Elk Konnected, LLC's definition of a Superior Lifestyle?
How does Elk Konnected, LLC propose to provide a Superior Lifestyle for all the citizens of Elk County?

When is the next so called Kommunity Konversation?

A few answers would be welcome?

The only real things that have happened have been shown in another thread on this forum and I feel compelled to repeat a few of them on this thread.

Just a few of RED Flags that have been brought out over the last year:
They also failed at running their business know as the Wellness Center?
They failed at commandering the County Web site, didn't they?
They failed at commandering the County Emergency Call System also, didn't they?
They did accomplish commandering the County's Summer Day Camp last year by having a County Employee who is also Konnected put Elk Konnected, LLC's name on it, didn't they?

Are these their greatest accomplishments other then handing out lolipops provided with Elk County Recreational Funds?

And this years Elk County Summer Day Camp is only refered to simply as Summer Day Camp, why?
And the flyer for the Elk County Summer Day Camp has Elk Konnected, LLC's logo displayed pretty durn large as a sponsor, while Elk County is listed as a sponsor in very small print in comparrison. Why?
It doesn't take a wizard or a visionary to figure that one out does it?

Could it possibly be a form of propaganda?

Some real answers please?

Yes, it is repitition, but isn't that what Elk Konnected, LLC's provides us?

In my opinion the lack of definitive answers regarding Elk Konnected, LLC reflects the reality that nobody knows anything about their actual goals and how they plan to implement them. It would be nice to have some clarification.

" There are always individuals or very, very small groups of individuals who try to distort facts by subjectively using them out of context, or in the case of empirical data, changing parameters of a statistical analysis so the numbers will fit a predetermined outcome with no names to support the data.

When these individuals try to hide behind a cloak of one way communication such as a newspaper, then others must ask why ? "

Have we become an Infantile Society, eager only to be coddled, burped and entertained, with noise masquerading as music, and nicks and bruises as deep cuts and real wounds and lollipops as good deeds and to believe everything someone says to us ??


Oh how i missed the forum.  I can see the continued idiocy of a few members have completely ruined the forum, pages and pages of warph talking to himself and this contentious thread of a few good hearted people trying to convince cavemen that everything isn't a big huge conspiracy.  At any rate, carry on, I'll be home again next month, I can't wait...
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Anmar on May 29, 2012, 06:39:15 PM
Oh how i missed the forum.  I can see the continued idiocy of a few members have completely ruined the forum,

If you feel the forum has been completely ruined, why do you return to it?
It's narrowed mindedness versus open and honest dialog that makes thing bad.

Quote from: Anmar on May 29, 2012, 06:39:15 PM
pages and pages of warph talking to himself

And how does this bother you, you are not forced to read it are you?
Isn't it Warph's right to freedom of speech that counts here?
Really that you read it, would make me think that you find it interesting!
Just my thought!

Quote from: Anmar on May 29, 2012, 06:39:15 PM
and this contentious thread of a few good hearted people trying to convince cavemen that everything isn't a big huge conspiracy.  

Yes this thread is very contentious as it is meant to be! As long as no one, can provide honest and open dialog, it will probably continue to be contentious, as in argumentative.
As are a lot of things in politics.
I believe it is only the Elk Konnected, LLC's Followers that have raised the issue of a conspiracy, but, please correct me if I am wronng!
As are a lot of things in politics.
Is that a real problem for you?

Quote from: Anmar on May 29, 2012, 06:39:15 PM
At any rate, carry on, I'll be home again next month, I can't wait...

We shall carry on as long as the owners of the Forum permit us to. Thank you!
We are grateful to the owners, for providing this medium as everyone who visits and post on this forum should be, don't you agree?

I appreciate your comments and,
I wish you have a safe trip home.

Please Remember to Vote in November


Finally, a verifiable answer.... it's a start.


Now, about the legally admitted members of EK....
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I have read so much about people being happy about Elk Konnected, LLC doing so much to make lives better in Elk County!

But no one can say how?   I can't find a single answer of who, what, where, when or how!

Why is that?

Is it just a smoke screen?            
Or, why can't we get some real answers?

Elk Konnected, LLC  has held several so called Kommunity Konversations and only a few people show up for them, right? I believe the last one had maybe 25 or 30 people including Elk Konnected, LLC  Steering Committee, am I wrong?

What has been accomplished from such small Kommunity Konversations?
I ask, what has been accomplished even with the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners in attendence?
Why would Elk Konnected, LLC  need to ask the sheriff to throw someone out of a Kommunity Konversations for wanting to have a real conversation?
Rather un-sociable don't you think?
Nothing positive about that attitude is there?
Is there?
Yet, they tell anyone that may show up at their so called Kommunity Konversations to have a positive attitude, right?
Isn't that a double standard? Positively a double standard, huh?

And aren't they once again hi-jacking the Elk County Summer Day Camp by having our Konnected Kounty Youth Development Employee print flyers and having articles run in the newspaper calling it simply Summer Day Camp?

Is this what we pay our Elk County Youth Development Employee to do on our dime?
Is it, to work more, for our Konnected Kounty Kommissioner as the Elk Konnected, LLC founder and Steering Committee member?

Elk Konnected, LLC  has a moto, "Watch Us Grow", what does that mean?
Are they growing a garden?
Are they growing a bigger bank account because of "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" funding?
What does it mean? What does "Watch Us Grow", mean?
Hasn't attendance at their so called Kommunity Konversations gone from small to very small?
Hasn't their Steering Committee shrank considerably?
Didn't they have to vote to extend membership on their Steering Committee to 4 years and allow some to stay on the Steering Committee beyond the original allocated time?
So, what is GROWING?

Doesn't Elk Konnected, LLC  advertise on their web site to provide the following goals:
Community Goals
Youth Development - Establish a coordinated youth development program in the Elk Konnected community
Physical Image - Create a coordinated, six-community appreciation day to clean up our physical image
Community Wellness - Create the infrastructure for a community wellness and enrichment network

Where are the things?                   How do they propose to accomplish any of them?

How come they can not explain how they plan to make those Goals?

We saw what happened with their "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" Community Wellness Center, right? They positively shut it down and sold it?
I wonder what happened to the profits from the sale of that "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" business?

Is that the way we want our county ran?
By that, I mean by Konnected Kounty Kommissioners that could not run a simple little business that was funded by a "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" ?

I have heard, that at the last County Commissioners Meeting that the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners gave Elk Konnected, LLC  several hundred more dollars out of the recreational funds. I also understand the purpose is to buy T-Shirts with something to the effect of Elk Konnected Summer Day Camp written on them. Can someone tell me if this is true or not?

If it is true, I would ask, why are we as taxpayers are funding advertisement for a privately owned company?
And if we are, shouldn;t we do it for the drug store, the hardware store and the convience store as well?

Would that be a considered a positive action on the part of Elk Konnected, LLC  and the Konnected Kounty Kommissioner that is, to use taxpayers money to pay for advertisement, for one particular privately owned company? Would that be the right thing to do?

Can anyone, anyone at all, tell me anything that Elk Konnected, LLC  has accomplished that has had a measurable and positive effect in Elk County since it's inception?

See the first page of this thread, not one suggestion has been accomplished, why?
Wasn't that all just hype, because of the $1,000,000 (One Million Dollar) number being thrown around?
And doesn't that just represent one of their first failures?

But, we all know they haven't failed at collecting money under "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" programs, RIGHT?        RIGHT?      RIGHT?

I think I have done far more for Elk County then Elk Konnected, LLC  has. Let me ask does the privately owned company Elk Konnected, LLC pay property taxes? I mean like all the other business and property owners in Elk County? I do, I pay taxes. So do you, right?

Oh, I am a Kansas born citizen, who moved away for many, many years as means of finding employment. But, I moved back and I choose Elk County, because of it sparse population and because of it's location. I got really tired of the hustle and bustle and sirens of the city, this area is great because of what it is, IMHO. So, I am an outsider in Elk County, because I wasn't raised here and I don't have relatives here. But like a lot of outsiders, that have chose to live here, we bring with us our retirement checks, our Social Security Retirement checks and our life savings that we live on. This is new money in the county, that is spent in the local establishments, that otherwise would not be spent here. That is a boost to the economic development of the Elk County because it helps pay employees wages and provides profits for the store owners. That same money is used to pay property taxes. I cannot speak for anyone else and their property, but my property was overgrown with noxious weeds and very little grass and no buildings on it. It now has a pretty good stand of prarie grass and a home and two barns on it. I have cleaned up the pond and added a pond. I feel, I have accomplished quite a bit in a few years and invested a lot of money in Elk County. I have learned a great deal living here as well. And none of it was accomplished with "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" funds. And I love my lifestyle here.

Isn't it time for some new County Commissioners, and ones that are not Konnected?
Ones that perhaps have the whole county's best interest at heart?
Ones, that may have studied the financial abilities  and ramifications of the wind farm before signing a contract?
Do you suppose, we may have gotten the same $3,000,000 (Three Million Dollars) that Enid, OK is getting from the same company and the same size wind farm?

PLEASE, Think about these things when it comes time to vote in November?

I hope everyone is having a great weekend and I also hope someone can provide some answers to a few questions.


I don't know if this is the right place to put this... but here goes.


Awards in Kansas

Below are the stimulus contracts, grants, and loans in this state. You can click on an award to read (and add to) its description. You can also discuss the award and vote on whether you are satisfied with it or not.


For a more local view, you can drill down to awards in a particular city.

The total of cost of all the projects submitted by Kansas is $1,313,573,745.39

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Quote from: Warph on June 03, 2012, 01:01:56 AM
I don't know if this is the right place to put this... but here goes.


Awards in Kansas

Below are the stimulus contracts, grants, and loans in this state. You can click on an award to read (and add to) its description. You can also discuss the award and vote on whether you are satisfied with it or not.


For a more local view, you can drill down to awards in a particular city.

The total of cost of all the projects submitted by Kansas is $1,313,573,745.39

Two questions. 1. wheres the jobs,  2. since it was approved the jobs have not started so where is the money? 


Are you satisfied with this award?   or 
No votes have been cast for this award yet

Join the conversation: Post a comment about this award
Award Description: Capital Improvements low income public housing landscaping at all sites and cabinets in project 2; community room improvements

Project Description: Contract awarded no work has started.

Jobs Summary: Not started (Total jobs reported: 0)

Project Status: Not Started
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.



Right place Warph. It shows the "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" programs that are destroying our COUNTRY'S ECONOMY.

I think the meddling with what is called Economic Development is designed to simply to put money in certain peoples pockets, and that is just wrong.

That IMHO is why they claim Economic Development is so complicated.

It's complicated simply to keep the average person in the dark about manipulation of money and tax money.
It's simply complicated in order to hide the actuall transactions, and to confuse, IMHO.
Even one of our County Commissioners confessed at a Commissioners meeting that he could not explain Economic Development. So, I am compelled to ask, why would he vote for something so complex, that he does not understand it? WHY?

The stimulus was designed only to provide temporary jobs for a few people.

And to spend a lot of      extra    printed money?

But then, what happens, when those jobs end?
The money is gone and people don't have jobs. 
And then more     "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor"    money is needed, right?
Oh, I think the wealthy and the wealthy companies make a lot of money at our expense.
Mine and your expense!

Where does this "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money or stimulus money come from?
Simply by printing more money, which reduces the value of each dollar in your pocket or bank account.
That's why it is called "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor"money. And it causes inflation.

Stimulus money was changed to QE-1 and QE-2 or Quantarive Easing 1 & 2 and there has been talk of QE-3.

Where does it all end?

All the use of this "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money, where does it end?

When our finances are equal to the Greeks, when austarity happens as in Greece, is that when it ends?

Whether it is Billions or just a few Hundred it is still

"Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" MONEY.

When do Beggars stop Begging? 
When they are shamed enough or are told that it is unacceptable, right?

Why are people put to shame for not volunteering for a specific organization?
Simply a contol factor, IMHO.
Why do they call it volunteering,
if the volunteer get's paid with money begged from the County Coffers?

Begging has been taken to a whole new level.
In the 1950's there were hobo's with torn and tathered clothes and holes in their shoes and they often begged.
Today's, beggar's wear fancy clothes and drive new cars and have developed a much more sanitized way of begging!
All while eating their caviar and claiming it is all for a good cause or for the children.
That is B.S., it amounts to handing out lollipops, it amount's to getting their name in the newspaper or magazines!
Especially when they choose not to back up what they say with factual, open and honest dialog.
Yes, that's my opinion of what Begging in this country today is all about!

The Truth Hurt's,
So, go ahead and start putting me down.
That way, I'll know you read this opinion.


Amen to that!

Ross, I don't think that you'll be getting an "Amen" from the so-called conservative Republicans because at heart they're liberals for sure.
Their support of the Elk Konnected confirms their true beliefs of liberalism.

Excellent post for sure.  Stay right in there.


Café talk is that several people are running for county office's. Any truth to this and if so who's running and for what position ?

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