Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Janet Harrington

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 11, 2012, 05:15:59 PM
Thanks Janet and Julie! My memory is either faulty or it just happened to be that the drug store was closed. I don't remember if it was a Saturday afternoon or not. It's all starting to run together with several other trips we made a couple of years before. I remember on one trip, I thought it was that one, we had to go somewhere else to find a drug store. Was there a period of time when it was closed somewhere in that time frame? Trying to keep up the places to eat was the hard part! Was poplar Pizza there then? (1995)

The drugstore has never been closed for any period of time except for the regular days that they are closed. As for Poplar Pizza, it was established in 1982 in Buffalo, NY. I will have to get back with you on when it came to Howard.

W. Gray

While Janet is getting that information, I am going to guess 1992 for the Howard location and 2002 for the Andover location.

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


It has been noted in the news media and I quote:

That President Obama is spending "far more money than any other president ever has," even as the economy remains shaky.

                                                      and the question has also been asked

                                                           Are We A Welfare Nation Now?

Is our Elk County going to continue to do the same things?
Yea, property tax breaks for a few.
That's a take away from all other taxpayers.
What was that term I recently read somewhere, Oh yea, beggar-thy-neighbor, wasn't it?
Politics as usual, right?
Good job County Commissioners.
It simply has nothing to do with attracting anyone to move to Elk County in my personal opinion.
If it does, I'd like to hear an explanation.

Janet Harrington

Poplar Pizza was established in Howard, Kansas, by Brian and Mary Jo Miller, in October, 1995. I didn't ask about the date on the Andover location.


Quote from: Ross on February 15, 2012, 09:24:24 PM

                                                      and the question has also been asked

                                                           Are We A Welfare Nation Now?

Absolutely.   The nation has forgotten the true meaning of helping those in need.  Instead they replace the responsibility put upon each and every person by God himself, with the government so they aren't responsible any more.  So now we have a nation of folks that believe they are entitled to welfare, when if everyone had of taken care of their responsibility we would have a nation of producers.  IF everyone would have taken care of their God assigned responsibility, then each individual that needed something would only need it a short while til they got on their feet. You see its easy to take money/food/whatever from a nameless faceless machine. Hard as hell to take money/food/whatever from someone who doesn't have much but is willing to help. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


The minutes of the County Commissioners meeting from a couple of weeks ago,  The meeting I atttended and asked what we are getting from our Economic Development/Youth Development programs just came out in the newspaper. And you know what they left out a few things that happened at the meeting?

For instance they left out that a county commissioner boomed out that he "Defends Elk Konnected".
They left out that the same County Commissioner called my post's on this Forum as Vile.
But I do have to say there was much more information in the newspaper then there use to be. That's sort of an improvement.
They also left out the County Commissioner, said I should "Volunteer".
I assume he meant I should volunteer for "Elk Konnected. LLC".

However, I don't know of anywhere that it says a person is a bad citizen for not volunteering for Elk Konnected, LLC, the self
for some self grandious privately owned company that portrays themselves as a community organization.

But hey, wasn't President Obama a community organizer?
I wonder if he used a privately owned company to hide behind, er no I meant to operate through?

Anyway, back to volunteering. The County Commissioner has no idea what I do or why I do it.
What he said was only an attempt in my opinion at attacking me.
He really didn't appear to want to discuss the subject at hand.

If I help out a neighbor by doing a little extra or a lot extra without asking for pay,
Am I required to advertise the volunteer work in the newspaper so everyone knows what I am doing?
Do I need to advertise my volunteer work, so I can appear to be important and  be a braggart?
Do I have to answer to Elk Konnected, LLC and let them have credit for my efforts of kindness?
What is the Elk Konnected County Commissioners agenda by telling everyone in the audiance that,
"If only Mr. Ross would volunteer."?
What was his real goal?
Was it to shame me into compliance with Elk Konnected, LLC"s agenda?
Well it didn't work.

But seriously is the County Commissioners Meeting the place to cheer and boost and DEFEND their Privately Owned Company, Elk Konnected, LLC?

Seriously is it?


Did you ask 'em how much money they've donated?  Probably not.

You ought to take copies of "Not Yours To Give" to them.  Of course they wouldn't understand any of it and if they did, they wouldn't like it.

As long as they're giving away money from the public treasury, they think of themselves as givers - even though it's your money.

Ross, it looks like you have elected people who are educated to the doctrines of Ted Kennedy and Obama.
They'd deny it and claim they're Republican, but at least they'd be telling the truth about being Republican.


We could use a couple more County Commissioners with out ties to Elk konnected, LLC and then we wouldn't have an Elk Konnected County Commissioners Meeting would we?

I mean, shouldn't there be a seperation of the two?

I was talking about county business and the County Commissioner changed the subject to, "I'll Defend Elk Konnected".
I was shocked speechless.

And no there were never any real direct answers concerning Economic Development in Elk County to show what our tax dollars are being spent on.

Even in the paper I read nothing substantial. Just word games is all I read.

They say preparation for things to come. What the heck does that mean?
Is he actually doing something for the taxpayers money, if so what are those things to come?
How about a real answer if there is one?

Employment applications are the responsibility of the Employeer and I doubt they would turn that responsibility over to a county employee. They may perhaps place their applications on the counter at the court house, that a possibility? That is not Economic Development, is it? I alway applied for work with the employeer so I just don't understand and would like some sensible answers.

Fullfilling on site needs at thewindfarm, huh? Was she telling the vendors how to run their business, telling them they had to be there, telling them what times to be there, what was she actually doing as far as the vendors?

Defininitions of Economic Development
Economic development is the development of economic wealth of countries or regions for the well-being of their inhabitants.
It does not say for special groups of people?

Progress in an economy, or the qualitative measure of this. Economic development usually refers to the adoption of new technologies, transition from agriculture-based to industry-based economy, and general improvement in living standards.
Is our county interested in transitioning from agriculture to something esle? Then why don't they say so?
Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/economic-development.html#ixzz1mYTDPlP3

Is the word development used in a fashion that I don't understand?

Is having summer day camps that appear to be nothing more than a day care, witha few cheap toys really child development?

What about the older children, does that fullfill their development?

And do children cease to exist when summer ends?

Oh, but after I brought it up at the meeting, now they are going to rent movies for the days the kids have a day out of school.
Just where is the educational development of children from the age of 5 to 18 in that?

I really don't understand.

And how many children will recieve any benefit from the thousands of dollars of our tax dollars that are spent on it?

If you are going to claim to be doing something, why not really do something, and show actual benefits of doing it?


Ross, your definitions of economic development are extremely narrow in scope and apply mainly to large scale efforts at the international, national, state, or regional (usually metropolitan) level. 

An ever increasing focus of economic development is community economic development, inplemented at the town or county level, or within a specific neighborhood or district within a larger urban city.

There are many resources available to those in the community economic development field.  Some of the best and most comprehensive reside within the Land-Grant University system, specifically the state Extension services.  Perhaps the following link from the University of Wisconsin will enlighten you and others on just what community economic development is all about.


"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Thank you Flintauqua I will definitly study that site.
I appreciate the response.

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