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Messages - Brenda Edwards

Me?? A sick puppy?? Is this coming from the man who use to tell me...."Oh don't be sad, those frogs will grow their legs back" I sat there looking at them in that bucket with big alligator tears in my eyes,and you were looking at their legs in a bowl licking your chops!! :laugh:

Alright, alright...I'm sorry...I don't want to plow my garden with a shovel next spring!
LMAO...Dad you crack me up!!  ;D I wouldn't trade you for anything! :-*
Oh wait.....tell her how old you were when you found out there wasn't a santa....*hint hint* It was the same age as when he stopped wetting the bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO
Hey dad...tell Teresa about steam coming from the roof of the house!!! That's my favorite one!! ;D
Politics / Re: SAD ISN'T IT ?
November 16, 2010, 11:28:33 PM
We have hundreds of adoptable children who are shoved aside to make
room for the adoption of foreign orphans.

Why is this?? I've always wondered why you see all these people going to foreign countries to adopt children. Is it easier to adopt a child from a foreign country than it is here in the U.S.? Cost less money? Just curious.

Politics / Re: What They Gave To Me
October 15, 2010, 10:06:09 PM
Just wanted to share something I was lucky enough to be a part of today! Flint Oak is hosting the "Kansas Salutes the troops" this weekend. There are 12 soldiers that were wounded in Iraq. I cannot put into words what it was like to sit in the same room and hear what these men gave for our country. And then to have a man in a wheelchair (paralyzed from the neck down from a road side bomb)come up to my dad (Vietnam Vet)  and thank him for his service was so touching.
To have someone thank you for letting them come here and just be normal for a day....what do you say to that????
Just seems like "Thank you" isn't enough!

I am so Grateful to all the Men & Women that have and still are serve our Country! :-*

After putting "Jarheads Kid" as my username, I thought....Are you nuts!! So I changed we don't "Really" know if he is my father!!!!!!  ;D At least thats what he tells me! There is one thing I know for sure and that is that I'm not WINDY like he is!
Since you goes....My name is Brenda Edwards...I am Jarheads middle daughter.....I was born and raised in Longton....I have 2 children..Copper a 12 year old Golden Retriever and Cotton a 10 month old Pekingese. I've worked at Flint Oak for 12 1/2 years, lived on the property for the last 5 years. I manage there Pro Shop, which means I have every womans dream job....I get paid to shop all day with someone elses money!! lol Well that's about all there is to know about me....Thanks for the "Welcome"......Catch ya on the flip-flop  :)
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