Give me a break.
No room for parents to sit down at the Christmas play, a community storm shelter for Howard outside of the city limits?
What does all that have to do with education of children?
You plan on loosing more students yet you continue to want to spend more money, why?
Close on of the grade schools and save the money you have for maintenance. Or just keep wasting money for the effort of getting Howard a grade school, and eventually lose your school district. Not a good choice.
The remarks "I hope all that voted against building the new school are happy now......................
Nothing like cutting off your nose to spite your face~~" Shows that the vote was all about Howard not education. And shows this person apparently doesn't appreciate our country's democracy and voting system.
The remark " I graduated from West Elk the Trailer Park one!!! " is up to the school board if that is what they want, or they can keep one of the grade schools open and bus Howard's poor little children to the school like everyone else does.
There are more options if the board were to work at the problem.
They are going to try to tell you that the state will reimburse the school system for the trailers. Get the money first.I wonder where the state will get the money??? Haven't you heard the state is cutting back everywhere and the state is being sued by school districts for more money? Will you have the money to maintain the trailers???
Are you aware that those portable buildings will cost $44,000 each? That probably will not be the total cost of installation, installing electricity etc. Let's see all the details, and then ad 20% for error. What is to be done for tornado protection in a portable?
Oh well, shut down perfectly usable school buildings that are worth maybe a million or two and let them deteriorate then the voters can be forced into providing Howard with their very own brand new muti-million dollar grade school to hose a few students, maybe. That is if they still have enough kid to keep a school district.
No room for parents to sit down at the Christmas play, a community storm shelter for Howard outside of the city limits?
What does all that have to do with education of children?
You plan on loosing more students yet you continue to want to spend more money, why?
Close on of the grade schools and save the money you have for maintenance. Or just keep wasting money for the effort of getting Howard a grade school, and eventually lose your school district. Not a good choice.
The remarks "I hope all that voted against building the new school are happy now......................
Nothing like cutting off your nose to spite your face~~" Shows that the vote was all about Howard not education. And shows this person apparently doesn't appreciate our country's democracy and voting system.
The remark " I graduated from West Elk the Trailer Park one!!! " is up to the school board if that is what they want, or they can keep one of the grade schools open and bus Howard's poor little children to the school like everyone else does.
There are more options if the board were to work at the problem.
They are going to try to tell you that the state will reimburse the school system for the trailers. Get the money first.I wonder where the state will get the money??? Haven't you heard the state is cutting back everywhere and the state is being sued by school districts for more money? Will you have the money to maintain the trailers???
Are you aware that those portable buildings will cost $44,000 each? That probably will not be the total cost of installation, installing electricity etc. Let's see all the details, and then ad 20% for error. What is to be done for tornado protection in a portable?
Oh well, shut down perfectly usable school buildings that are worth maybe a million or two and let them deteriorate then the voters can be forced into providing Howard with their very own brand new muti-million dollar grade school to hose a few students, maybe. That is if they still have enough kid to keep a school district.