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Messages - gvaughn

The Good Old Days / Re: Elgin Connection
November 03, 2009, 12:50:18 AM
Marcia, Thanks for your note.  I just temporarily joined the forum to provide this info to you.
This addresses a query under topic Elgin Connection, asked by Marcia Moore:  Is Sylvester Tinker (former Osage chief) related to General Clarence Tinker (of Tinker Air Force Base)?

Answer: Yes, as follows:  They are double cousins--in varying degrees of cousin-hood.  The double-cousin part comes from the fact that there were several Tinker-Revard marriages--two such marriages are involved here.

(A) They are first cousins once removed, on the Tinker side.
(B) They are second cousins once removed, on the Revard side.

If you want more detail, it's complicated.  Hope you like kinship terms and diagrams...  Details follow, if you want it (possibly more than you ever want to know):

(A) They are first cousins once removed, on the Tinker side.

--Sylvester's paternal grandfather (William Tinker) was half-brother to Clarence's father (George Edward Tinker).  The half-brothers had the same father (George Tinker), but different mothers. 
--William's son Frank Tinker was Sylvester's father.  Frank and Clarence, sons of half-brothers, were first cousins on the Tinker side. 
--This means that Frank's son Sylvester is Clarence's first cousin once removed (on the Tinker side).

(B) They are second cousins once removed, on the Revard side.

--Sylvester was born of the marriage of Frank Tinker and Mary Louise Revard.
--Clarence Tinker's grandmother was the great-aunt of Mary Louise Revard.

The detail for this is:
--Clarence's father was one of those two ancestral half-brothers, George Edward Tinker--the son of George Tinker by his third wife, Genevieve (Jane) Revard.
--Genevieve Revard was thus Clarence Tinker's grandmother.
--Genevieve Revard's brother, Joseph Revard, was the grandfather of Mary Louise Revard (Sylvester's mother).
--Their Revard grandparents being siblings, Clarence Tinker and Mary Louise Revard were 2nd cousins (on the Revard side).
--This means that Mary Louise's son Sylvester is Clarence's 2nd cousin once removed (on the Revard side).

Hope this sorts out for you.  I know some of this info because of family talk (I'm Clarence Tinker's great niece), and know other info from Louis Burns's book Turn of the Wheel (a genealogy of the Burns and Tinker families).   I joined this forum just to answer that query, which I saw in a web search.
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