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Messages - Talone29

Politics / Re: Joe Legal vs. Joe Illegal
June 22, 2009, 08:41:45 AM
I don't know about you but I am 100% full blooded American!   I was born here.  I am just as American as the native Americans.

Right, but i think you missed my point.  I'm not saying that anyone born here or a legalized citizen of these United States isn't a 100% American.  I'm saying that it is pointless to base it on the purity of your blood be you native american, english, spanish, dutch, german, russian, or any other ethnicity because it's not what you bleed that makes you american, it's your belief in a free system of government, the belief that every man, woman, and child that is a citizen of this great nation has the right to the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness, the american dream, all that jazz.  I stand here not to argue with any of you, but to say that we as a nation are confused.  One of our biggest problems is that we spend way to much time bickering with one another because we don't all share the same opinion and we think that we need to change other peoples way of thinking so that it matches our own.  I know there are millions of people who don't agree with me on Religion, Politics, Family values and a whole host of other topics.  But God grant me the strength to change the things i can, the patience to accept the things i can't, and the wisdom to know the difference between the two.  Maybe if we all lived our own lives according to what we believe, and not try to make everyone else live according to what you personally believe, we could get this banana boat turned around and going in the right direction.  but to think you can base anyones rights on the purity of their blood is incredulous.  Everyone who is a citizen of the USA is a 100% full blooded american regardless of ethnic background.
Politics / Re: Joe Legal vs. Joe Illegal
June 21, 2009, 02:08:49 PM
Ok, well i been reading through this, and my reaction is mixed.  cause both sides of this rigamorow is making points that i agree with, but also some points that i don't agree with.  I'm all for getting rid of the illegal alien problem, and i'm sorry but if you are here illegally, i don't care if your brown, red, black, yellow, white, green, or bright pink, your ass gotta go.  We got enough problems in this country without people who snuck in and live off the system with no intention of paying it back.  i have been on public assistance and i ain't ashamed of it, cause i worked my ass off when i could.  no when illegals get public assistance and i was told that i didn't qualify cause i made more than 200.00 a week severlye pissed me off.  anyone who has a newborn and a family to support knows that 200.00 a week wasn't enough.  now as far as all this business with the debate about "white people" and native americans.  yes the Indians did get a raw deal, they had their land taken from them because of the tactics and weapons used by the english, and then got penned up on the cruddiest piece of the land that the english could find, and said "Now don't you leave you hear."  We see in the news about the different races getting reparations and about oppression.  The oppression about native americans is still bad, but it gets swept under the rug.  Where would we be if the english hadn't come to this country.  Well chances are alot of us would't be here, cause they ain't no thing anymore as a full blooded american.  We all got all different kinds in the wooodpile stacked up.  So i am getting really tired of the cry about race superiority, cause even the most devout white supremacist probably got a black person, or a mexican, or an indian somewhere swinging from the tree.  Now if i have offended anyone that was not my intention.  But i want you all to keep one very important thing in mind.  This is America.  The first ten rules of the U.S. Constitution is called the Bill of Rights, and while i can't recite all of the m right now, i do know that ain't nowhere that it says you have the right to never be offended. We are all entitled to our own opinions, but it is a privelege, and you should not feel that you should take someones right to an opinion away because they don't agree with you.  Now if you don't want anyone to have that basic right, then maybe you should be the one who gets the freak out of Dodge.
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