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Messages - tdub

Diane, honey, quit taking the bait - you're giving them exactly what they want. They are like school yard bullies that pick at you until you react - just ignore them and have a peace filled day.
Varmit - fair enough.
I respect your beliefs and your right to have them.
     That article talks about one person supporting NAMBLA and possibly another. Two people do not make up the entire gay community. I said most people in the gay community do not support NAMBLA. I certainly do not.
     You know, I actually live this gay life that you write about so often. You can talk about gay people or you can talk to one. I know I challenge your beliefs, but I'm not trying to change them. Believe what you will. I know I won't change your mind. I'm just looking for mutually beneficial dialogue.
A Gay Pride event is not the same thing as NAMBLA and I doubt if the University would support NAMBLA. Most people in the Gay community have a problem with NAMBLA. For those of you who do not know what NAMBLA means - North American Man/Boy Love Association.
Homosexuality was removed from the list of mental disorders by the AMA in 1973 but replaced with "ego-dystonic homosexuality," which in turn was completely removed in 1986. Studies were conducted that showed that homosexuals were not anymore "messed up" than their heterosexual counterparts. We all have issues.
Equating a normal Gay Pride event with NAMBLA reminds me of the people who say if we allow gay marriage we will have to allow marriage to animals/family/kids, etc. It is not a valid argument.
Politics / Re: Pucker Up, Buttercup
July 22, 2010, 12:35:35 PM
Teresa - I like what you said. That's the reason I started reading this forum - to maybe see a different point of view. I need to remember that no one has lived my life or seen through my eyes. I see this country only from the perspective of the life I have lived. My point of view is unique to me ( as are all of our views ) and I should not expect others to immediately see things the way I do.
Thanks to all who share their perspective.
Yet I can't help but see some of the same invective in your post that you accuse others of using.

Patriot - you are absolutely correct - I got "caught up"- thank you for bringing that to my attention - I appreciate it.
Politics / Re: Sex-ed program sparks grizzly effect
July 17, 2010, 08:54:04 AM
Unless at sometime in the past you had a moment where you chose not to be gay you really don't know what you are talking about.
Did you choose to be straight? When you were an adolescent did you have a moment when you thought' " hmmm. gay or straight? Which one should I be?" Nobody chooses their sexual orientation. I was 11 years old when I knew I was gay. It was not a choice. What 11 year old would choose to be ridiculed, despised and spit upon by society? As for as people going from gay to straight I don't buy that. There are a lot of homosexuals out there who cannot accept who they are because it has been beat over their heads that they are WRONG, WRONG, WRONG and they want to appear "normal". So they go through programs like Exodus which claims it can change gay people to straight. They are indoctrinated to choose being straight. And that choice goes against their true nature.
I've been reading this forum for over a year now and am still discouraged. Those of you who think it is your duty to "go forth and spread the word" - you're doing a piss poor job of it. All I ever see in your posts are hate and judgment. That's what you are sharing with me. What I am learning from you is I need to hate anyone who is not like me; does not believe/behave like me; says things that opposes my beliefs. You post that you hope you're there when God puts a boot in our ass. Is this what Christianity is? I thought there was a guy named Jesus in there somewhere. Didn't he have things to say about love and compassion? Those sound like really good things. I can get on board with that. Some of you are so intent on trying to change people's hearts that you've completely ignored your own. Your hearts are as hard as Pharaohs. I want no part of your version of Christianity. You throw the Bible at people as if the Bible were God. I think we need to be careful not to confuse the two. The Bible points to God but is not God. I think someone can have a relationship with the Divine without the Bible. My God is not so small that I have to fit him in a tiny little box of my own creation. My God does not have limits. What I know about God and the universe is a drop compared to the ocean. I suspect it is the same for you, but in your arrogance you think you know it all. Your posts are not leading me to Christianity - they are making me run from it - at least your version of it.
Politics / Re: And Divided We are......
July 10, 2010, 02:07:08 PM
I'm curious as to what your solution would be concerning these things you consider immoral - pornographers/those who watch porn, homosexuals, underage pregnant girls, etc.
Politics / Re: And Divided We are......
July 09, 2010, 03:07:58 PM
Obama said we are no longer "just" a Christian nation, but a nation of many other faiths as well.

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