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Messages - Greenthumb13

The Coffee Shop / Re: Triggs' Greenhouse
April 28, 2009, 07:24:02 PM
I'm glad to hear you found what you were looking for. And we'll be glad to see you back again. I douibt it will be this week though. With all the rain we've had and all the rain we're suppose to get, I think you'd be planting it mud. Our little garden is all water logged. I do hope you plants weather well. And I do hope to see you again soon. Maybe the sun will come out and will dry all this out soon.
Glad to hear from you. Can't wait for more questions and comments!
If there's anything you guys would like to see in the greenhouse but haven't you could suggest it. But we don't deal with trees or shrubs. Sorry.
Until next time,
The Coffee Shop / Re: Triggs' Greenhouse
April 26, 2009, 09:17:56 PM
Thanks Jo. I'm glad you all found what you were looking for. And enjoyed it here. If you saw me I was the girl with the lipring. lol. We were pretty busy on Saturday. So thank you all.

Joanna. Did you ever find the right color? I would like to know. I believe I saw you. I'm terrible at names so sorry. Most of the time I smile and say hello and try to help everyone find everything.
Thank you all.
The Coffee Shop / Re: ROLL CALL TO ALL MEMBERS !!!!
April 23, 2009, 09:52:20 PM
Hello. My name is Amanda Hall.
I was born in Winfield but have never lived there. I have always lived around here. Okay. Almost always. I'm 19 and my mom told me about this site.  I thought I would join and see what was going on.
I've lived with my grandparents, Jane and Sam Trigg for most of my life. My mother's user name is Rosewolf. She's pretty cool. I lived with her from the time I was 15 until November of last year. We lived in havana. then moved to Bartlesville. I ended up comeing back here after she moved to North Carolina in I think July. Maybe it was August. I can't remember. Anyway. So I moved in with my grandparents and thats where I stay now. They own Trigg's Greenhouse. I help them out as much as I can. The plants tend to scream and run when I come around.  ;D But seriously. I like elk county. But I don't really do not want to live the rest of my life here. weird huh. Well, I guess I'm young and want to see things before I die. Selfish. I hope not.
The Coffee Shop / Re: Triggs' Greenhouse
April 23, 2009, 09:36:56 PM
I'm sorry to bother you all again. I forgot to say we have more than just tomatoes. but you probably already know that. We also have cabbage, peppers, and some other vegetables. I didn't want you all to think we only have tomatos and flowers. Thanks again.
The Coffee Shop / Re: Triggs' Greenhouse
April 23, 2009, 09:31:20 PM
Hello to all. My name is Amanda and I work in the greenhouse with my grandparents. I saw someone ask about our hours. We're open from 8 a.m. until dark. We have a variety of tomatoes both heirloom and not heirloom (I'm not sure what the technical name is I just help plant and water them. lol)
We have many different kinds of flowers, we are also selling some herbs, and seed. If you have a question please let me know I will do my best to answer.
I want to thank all of you for coming out and invite those of you who haven't come to the greenhouse to come down and see what we have.
I hope I don't get kicked off here for advertising but I thought I would answer as many questions as I could at once. Thanks for reading this.  Hope you all have good luck with your gardens.
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