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Messages - PrehistoricRez

There should be a tab with drop down menu that each city or township can have a page
The Coffee Shop / Re: Tomorrow: Goodbye Windows XP
April 13, 2014, 08:18:20 PM
Why does windows get crappier with every new version, my new one has 8, I will never buy another windows based computer
The Coffee Shop / Re: New Layout
October 28, 2013, 08:44:18 PM
like the layout and understand the advertisements need to be there to keep the service free
Are they legal to drive on the streets?  Just about everyone has one or another or some of each.  Or are they just kind of left alone unless there is a problem?  I was just curious becuase of the arrest made tonight (dont know specifics yet) of a person driving the golf cart.  Someone from the city or county should make a flyer and post it around the town/county on what is allowed and what isnt.  I hope this doesnt stay another selective law that gets enforced.  ie: town clean yard laws, dilapidated property laws, stop sign laws.
The Coffee Shop / Howard Roads
August 22, 2012, 01:34:34 PM
Why is it that towns normally go from dirt to gravel to paved, But Howard it laying down gravel onto of paved roads that are still in Ok condition, if they would just cold patch them everyone in a while.  They call what they are doing Chip and Seal, but anyone of you could have watched youtube videos on how to do it, and done a better job. They are putting way to much gravel on top of not enough tar. 

All i have to say is wait until the first good snow and see what a horrible mess the streets look like.

PS: Cant wait for the city to cover up the brick on wabash with that crap.
The Coffee Shop / Re: Dirt roads.......
August 22, 2012, 01:05:06 PM
So that is the logic behind Howard returning all their roads to gravel
This is an extension of my post in "we have a plan"

I will try not to be negative again, but sometimes you have to wonder what the economic developer does other than put on soccer camps, what is done to bring people to the county.  Another negative is the stupid "have your card stamped to win a prize" thing at festivals and fairs, people just run into businesses to get their card stamped and rarely buy anything.  This needs to be rethought, similar to the youth group auctions at the Methodist church, because they were being over worked. 

Howard needs to be cleaned up first, I thought we had a public clean up enforcer.  Yards to need be cleaned up, junk thrown out, cars disposed of that don't run, lawn mower lawn ornaments recycled ( a vintage tractor that people may stop and see and take pictures of their kids on is ok), a 1993 Murray is garbage.   Lawns mowed, weed eated, trees trimmed.  Property owners need to be warned a set number of times, under advice from city atty, then cation taken. Up to and including seizure.  Then auction off, under understanding owner will repurpose it ( community garden, community orchard, park, etc). Abandoned houses need to be seized and demolished, dilapidated houses need to be demolished, as well as school buildings that are falling down, and animal infested.   Ditches need tending to, roads need layer of asphalt, sidewalks throughout town (why do some houses have and some do not).

Main street needs to be restored, maybe vintage covered sidewalks like in front of store with vintage appliances.  The well in the center of town could be restored made into an attraction.  Tracy did an amazing job turning the old cafe into an amazing little shop that people come from all over to see, as well as Sue Bauders soap company.  The soda fountain in Batson's already draws people in.  People passing through on 99, stop at Toots routinely for fudge monkey's, but there is no signage on highway, most don't know those ships are there. Some buildings on main street need to be repurposed like Tracy did and Connie did in the last couple years, and popular did a long time ago.  The old bank building needs to be revamped, the supplies would be supplied as long as the people of the community do the work.  The 2 store front next o the church need to be sold to someone that will remodel them, into a new boutique, maybe a bakery, children's store, pet boutique, something unique.  The city should flex some muscle and make the elk county general store clean up its act, it gets more and more cluttered week after week.  The fire Marshall needs to step in before the whole block goes up in flames.  Museum should release some of its buildings for sale, they are hardly ever open anyways, except the doll museum (a must see) .  Maybe the 2 connected storefronts on Adams, could be an idea.  The owners of the old donut shop and skt building on Randolph should release them at a reasonable price for repurposing. 

Next festivals should be held on main street as in other cities both small and large.  This will bring people into the stores.  The will eat at the local eateries, buy soap, candles, gifts.  No one benefits from it being on the courthouse lawn, it's almost as though the organizers don't want to support to local establishment. Example if it was on main st, like it used to be, people might go into sweet and spicy or popular and eat there instead of at the free will donation BBQ meal or bean feed.  what little kid wouldnt want to watch Lansing change a tire using an floor jack and impact wrench, or watch the pizza guys at popular throw pizzas in the air while waiting for parade, or getting a donut from sweet and spicy, or cone from Batson's on a hot summer morning.  Clearwater wellness center is on tv commercials 25 times a day . 

Show people it's a great place to live and work, businesses will come to town, people will move back here if lots are available ( there is no need for someone to own an entire block in the city limits).

If the town wants to survive and thrive, work needs to be done, hope we can work together and make it happen, then we can help other local towns prosper like 100 years ago.

Festivals need to be advertised, as well as city as a whole.  Paper, Kansas magazines, brochures, tv (like belle plaine tulip festival), I wonder what good elk konnected does, other than set up soccer camps.

Maybe a commercial, magazines, newspapers, web page that's professionally made, and updated on a weekly basis. 

How about investing in the local schools,  why are gravel roads more important than the kids?
I am not trying to be negative here as I usually am.  But whom actually decided that this was the best use of the money? Was it the county commissioners and windmill land owners that live on these roads? I thought this money was supposed to benefit Elk county as a whole not a few people that live on these roads.  Someone said something about business coming to elk county.  What businesses that aren't already here are going to be running up and down the 237 miles of FAS.  Sounds more like its to help the few families that are gifted enough to keep inheriting land from one gen to the next.

Why wouldnt we use this money to clean up all the local towns?  Beautify the towns.  Knock down the dilapidated vacant houses and school buildings (Howard high - thought that hired enforcement guy was gonna do something). Repave city roads in Howard, moline, elk falls, long ton, etc.  maybe install functional sidewalks throught all the towns.  Things like that would draw people and businesses to local towns. Then advertise, advertise, advertise,  make brochures for the county, put in all hotel lobbies in 2 hour radius.

The Coffee Shop / Girl Scout Cookies
February 25, 2012, 10:41:21 AM
Please do not buy girl scout cookies from Sweet and Spicy Restaurant, in Howard KS.  They are selling them to support the Longton chapter of the girl scouts.  and not the local howard girl scouts.  RESELLING of girl scout cookies is prohibited.

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