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Messages - mle0142

Politics / Why are you Republican?
October 04, 2008, 03:10:05 AM
That is my question.  I personally don't get it.  I grew up in Elk County, and turned out to be a flaming liberal.  What have the republicans brought us except a failed policy in Iraq and a terrible economy.  I came of political age during the Clinton era, and I've never quite understood why so many in our area hated him.  He demonstrated how a responsible politician can create a good economy with a surplus.   This must be done by having our highest earners pay a higher tax rate.  I will be one of these higher earners soon, hopefully earning 150k myself and my partner contributing another 60k.  I hope to have a higher tax rate than we currently do for earnings of that amount.  I wonder why others in my position wouldn't be willing to pull their weight.  Anyway, I'm sure this post will get some good responses, so I will leave it at this for now. 

Michael, a flaming liberal looking forward to President Obama!
Politics / Re: Gay Marriage
April 14, 2005, 08:41:35 AM
Thank you for sharing your opinion Teresa, however unpopular it is.  I am in complete agreement with you.  I fought against this ammendment, and it actually didn't pass here within the city of Manhattan.  I can only imagine what the numbers were like in Howard.  It's funny, I've talked to people who are adament that this ammendment isn't discriminatory.  They've used such intellectually bankrupt arguments such as "Gay people can get married to someone of the opposite sex just like everyone else!" What this boils down to is that a majority of people in Kansas simply don't like gay people, are generally repulsed when seeing a gay couple in public, and don't really mind adding a bit of discrimination to the constitution.  I've seen the phrase "Hate the sin, love the sinner" a lot lately.  What's funny is that no gay person I've ever known has felt the love part.  Just the hate.

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