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Messages - wasadeay


At enrollment this year I was told that you must live over 6 blocks from the school unless you have a kindergartener or preschooler.  If they stop to pick up one of these younger students, siblings of those students may also ride that bus... but other children from the neighborhood could not board  the bus.

Hope I got this straight, and it answers your question..... :)
The Coffee Shop / Re: School Changes
November 07, 2009, 11:26:33 PM
Thank You, That was my original understanding also.... was just afraid I'd missed something
The Coffee Shop / Re: School Changes
November 07, 2009, 10:30:33 PM
Did the board vote on this plan B?  Or was it just discussed as a probable option?.... Just curious, getting conflicting information ???
Quote from: gina on November 07, 2009, 08:07:58 PM
  There is no even trade off.  No one is going to get exactly what they want.  I don't know if one or both grade schools will be closed, but whatever happens we need to be positive about it and do what is best for our kids. 

Good attitude gina...  :)
After reading this discussion  I have to wonder what the children are being taught outside of school.  I understand as much as anyone what an emotional subject this is, but being for it... or against it... I have to wonder what will happen to the children being exposed to the attitudes from both sides.  How many will carry these ideals to school, and into their groups of peers?  How many will bicker, argue, with their friends  because their families are "for it" or "against it"?  ???

I sincerely hope that all who are so emotionally wrapped up in this that they see fit to write some of the nasty posts aren't teaching their children by example (that is the fastest way the pick things up in my experience!) It would be a shame to drive wedges between children over matters they have no control over.   :-[

This is all supposed to be for the kids!  Maybe we could all take a deep breath and portray an acceptable example for the younger ones who are watching and learning. (They ARE listening, watching and learning!)  I know of several older students who actually read this forum!

No matter what side of the issue we are on... we MUST set a positive example until this matter is resolved.  I truly don't believe that mud slinging will help anyone's cause no matter what your views are.... My grandad always said "you catch more flies with sugar then vinegar"........... If you're trying to change the opinion of others those might be good words to consider........ 

Nothing wrong with teaching the kids how to stand up for a cause..... Let's just do it in a positive respectable manner!!   :)
Quote from: greatguns on November 04, 2009, 06:20:05 PM
I do not live in the school district or the county, but I do have family there and I am interested in good schools.  I don't believe I have had any rants.  If so, I'm sorry.

No apology necessary as far as I can tell greatguns  ::) ;D
The Coffee Shop / Re: School Changes
November 01, 2009, 10:59:54 AM
Thank you ADP for the response..... and greatguns for the assist  ;D
The Coffee Shop / Re: School Changes
October 31, 2009, 01:01:16 AM
Wow.... So much information,  definitely a lot to process, and many factors to consider.  

Quick Question:  ???  How many positions within the district will be eliminated?  

Am I correct in assuming that  if the bond passes many jobs  like teachers, secretaries, certain para positions,  library/computer aids, classroom aids, cooks and janitors would be cut due to redundancy?  Any information on the numbers or the plan for how this will work?  
The Coffee Shop / Re: Convince Me
October 15, 2009, 02:06:26 PM
you are correct....  :)  (And Severy residents vote in Severy)
The Coffee Shop / Re: Convince Me
October 07, 2009, 03:24:43 PM
Will a decision be made and the public informed of "plan b" before or after the vote?

Also wondering how much our enrollment can increase before utilizing the one existing cafeteria becomes an issue?  How many students can be served from that one location?  

I understand that they could juggle lunch around some... but how would breakfast work?  I believe at the grade schools breakfast is served to all students who eat  from 7:50 to 8:10 or 8:15.  Wouldn't it already be an awfully large amount of students for the space in just 30 min.... I'm sure there is a plan, but have not heard anyone talking about this particular issue.   It would be a sad thing to be right back at the drawing board in 5 to 10 years over another bond to build a cafeteria............ any insight?
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