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Messages - Yalls

The Coffee Shop / Re: School Changes
July 24, 2008, 06:15:59 AM
Just wanted to give my update.  I have this T-shirt that reads "Put on your big girl panties and deal with it."  I live by that motto.  I realized that my choice was to teach or not to teach so I have committed myself to teaching the combined 3rd/4th grades at
Severy.  I am excited about the challenge and am looking forward to great year.  Thanks for the support of the forum.
The Coffee Shop / Re: School Changes
July 21, 2008, 05:12:25 PM
My intent in writing the note was to let everyone what happened.  After getting over the shock and disappointment, I am considering my options.  We should not think of the board and superintendent as enemies.  We have enough obstacles in our community to become divided.  We are going to have to figure out a way to work together.  I know everyone in the school district cares about the education of our students.  I have observed it first hand.  People care.  We need to stay united and figure out what we have to do next.
The Coffee Shop / Re: School Changes
July 21, 2008, 12:42:10 PM
I guess I need to write something as I have been asked several times about my resignation from teaching 6th grade.  As of today, I have not resigned.  Last June, with the board's first decision I was informed that I would teach 6th grade.  I was the last teacher contacted about the change. It was my understanding that that was my job assignment and I was thrilled.  I love teaching 6th grade and thoroughly enjoyed myself and was excited about the coming year.  It came as quite a shock last week that since I had no seniority and someone else wanted 6th grade, I would not have the opportunity to teach 6th grade.  I was told at the time that a 3/4th combination was left.  I was not interested.  I have not resigned and as far as I know have a continuing contract with the distrcit.  I love these kids and am very sad that I will not have the opportunity to go with 6th grade to the high school.  I would like to thank all of the people who have given me positive feedback and support.
  You never know, it could happen!
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