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Messages - Brodys dad

Politics / Re: West Elk Proposed Additions
November 22, 2013, 04:00:44 PM

This is not "mostly about sports" and "real eduction" didn't "take a back seat".  A few people tried to give some reasons why they feel the expansion is needed that the older generation may not be aware of because they no longer have kids in school.  By the way it's spelled EDUCATION not "eduction". 

Some of us have jobs and lives.  I'm sorry that you don't and things tend to go "quiet" for you at times.

As far as "ran out of steam", you might be on to something there.  My time is to valuable to spend arguing with someone who thinks everyone is out to get him.  So with that, I'm done.
Politics / Re: West Elk Proposed Additions
November 22, 2013, 11:01:24 AM

Very well said, you make several very good points.  I'm sure the conspiracy theorists will try to find some flaws in your remarks.
Politics / Re: West Elk Proposed Additions
November 21, 2013, 04:55:06 PM


I never said it was all about sports.  I simply pointed out something that you didn't know.  You are the one who is trying to make a play on others words.  It's obvious you are still bitter about losing the Moline school even though you live towards Grenola "in the county".  You keep wearing your blinders and calling everyone that doesn't share your beliefs a "liberal".  Just remember that this younger generation that you would rather restrict than help, will be taking care of you one day.  Let's hope they are more open minded. 
Politics / Re: West Elk Proposed Additions
November 21, 2013, 01:41:48 PM
I also doubt if they realize we have the Jr. High boys, Jr. High girls, High school boys and High school girls basketball teams all trying to share the same gym for practices, not to mention the wrestling team.  When there is a Jr. High home game the high school team take turns practicing well before school starts or well after the Jr. High game ends.  These kids deserve better.

I am from Severy.  We lost our grade school also.  This is not a Severy, Howard, Moline thing.  This is about our kids and their future.  It's unfortunate that you don't see it that way.
The Coffee Shop / Re: wind energy
October 09, 2010, 08:00:40 AM
Look in today's Wichita Eagle .

You are correct about the Howard kids riding the bus to Severy and Moline for 38 years, but don't forget the 7th - 12th grade kids from Severy and Moline have traveled to Howard for those same 38 years.
The Coffee Shop / Prayer's needed
August 04, 2009, 11:16:01 AM
Please say a prayer for the Lea family.  We met them in NYC, their son Owen has been fighting neuroblastoma for 6 years and is now nearing the end of his fight.  They are truly a special family.

The Coffee Shop / Re: School Changes
September 18, 2008, 05:17:27 AM
So what happens when you post a kids name for failing a test and he/she gets picked on and made fun of until he/she drops out of school?  Then the kid comes back a few months later through the doors you just unlucked and goes on a shooting rampage? 

These are our children, high school can be a very difficult time for some of them.  Not all kids are created equal.  They don't see things the same way as adults do.  As a parent in today's world, I think we need to do everything possible to keep our kids safe.  Life isn't the same as it was 20 years ago or even 10 years age.
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